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Maestría en Innovación para el Desarrollo Empresarial - En línea


La Maestría en Innovación para el Desarrollo Empresarial busca formar profesionistas:

-Que sean promotores de la innovación en su ámbito de responsabilidad;

-Que desarrollen, visualicen, generen y propongan ideas y proyectos originales en emprendimientos que generen un alto valor agregado en industrias actuales y emergentes;

-Que integren equipos interdisciplinarios gestionando la movilización de recursos para su realización;

-Que realicen proyectos por iniciativa propia y comprometiendo determinados recursos con el fin de explotar una oportunidad y asumiendo los riesgos.


Habilidades a desarrollar

- Generación de ideas originales y de calidad, que se pueden plasmar de una manera formal y defenderse en situaciones tanto conocidas como emergentes.

- Articulación de cambios y soluciones ante situaciones presentadas, con base en metodologías adecuadas al contexto relevante.

- Generación de proyectos por iniciativa propia con compromiso de recursos para explotar oportunidades.



- Título profesional.

- Promedio igual o superior a 80/100 o su equivalente en sus estudios profesionales anteriores.

- Presentar la Prueba de Admisión a Estudios de Posgrado (PAEP) del Tecnológico de Monterrey y obtener el puntaje establecido para el programa o un puntaje equivalente en otros exámenes autorizados por la Institución.

- Entregar la solicitud de admisión acompañada por todos los documentos requeridos.


Dirigido a:

- Profesionales de diferentes áreas con interés en desarrollar las competencias necesarias para potenciar la innovación en las organizaciones.

-Profesionales que buscan hacer realidad sus ideas innovadoras en emprendimientos que generen un alto valor agregado en industrias tanto actuales como emergentes.



Duración: dos años.

Modalidad: en línea.


Apoyo educativo

Haz clic en "Acceder" y consulta a tu asesor para recibir información de nuestros apoyos financieros.

Sergio Fajardo

Sergio Fajardo

Sergio Fajardo

Distinguished University Professor in Public Leadership

School of Social Sciences and Government


Public transformation

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Dr. Sergio Fajardo is a mathematician, professor, and politician. At the beginning of his career, he worked for various scientific institutions in Colombia as member of the National Council for Basic Sciences, the National Commission for Masters and Doctorates, and director of the Antioquia Science and Technology Center, among others. Later, as a result of his political career, in 2016 and 2019 he held the position of visiting professor at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, in the United States.

In 1999, he founded the civic movement 'Compromiso Ciudadano' with which he was elected mayor of Medellín for the period 2004-2007 with the highest vote registered at that time in the history of the city. His government was characterized by a new form of public management, focused on citizenship, transparency, and social innovation, which resulted in the highest acceptance and popularity rates in Colombia. During this four-year period, he led the biggest transformation of Medellín: from a city of inequity and violence to a worldwide example of social transformation through education and urbanism. He was awarded by the Colombia Líder Foundation as the best mayor of Colombia.

From 2012-2015, he was governor of Antioquia. During this period, he led the city's economic and social transformation, and similar to Medellín, his government addressed inequity, violence, and corruption. He was awarded by the Colombia Líder Foundation as the best governor of Colombia.

He was a candidate for the Colombian presidential elections in 2018 and 2022.

At the beginning of 2023, 'Compromiso Ciudadano' merged with the political party 'Dignidad', becoming the new political party called 'Dignidad y Compromiso', whose leaders and founders include Sergio Fajardo.

During his career as a mathematician, the central topics of his research were mathematical logic and the area of theory of probability models. In politics, his governments and his work have focused on areas such as urbanism, territorial development, education, and gender equity, to name a few.

In addition to having been a visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the United States; at the University of Oslo, in Norway; at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and the Universidad Central de Venezuela, among other universities in the United States, Europe, and Latin America, he has also given lectures on citizenship, politics, and issues of the public sphere and its transformation.

As governor of Antioquia, Sergio Fajardo was awarded and recognized as one of the best governors in the 2012-2015 period by the Colombia Líder Foundation. In addition, his development plan called "Antioquia la Más Educada" was recognized as the best in the country.

Due to his outstanding career, he received the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the International Menéndez Pelayo University (UIMP) in Spain (2009) and the University of Cordoba, in Argentina (2015).

In 2014, he received the Excellence and Leadership Award in Urban Management and Development from the University of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.

Back to his first political position as mayor of Medellín, his social and urban transformation project called "Medellín la Más Educada" received the City to City Barcelona FAD award in 2009. Moreover, he ended his government with 95% approval and received the 2007 Latin American Character Award from The Financial Times.

Also, in 2007, he was one of the 8 outstanding leaders of the region in the America Awards for Excellence in Public Service of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the UN. Also, he received the Curry Stone Design Prize in 2009 and the Antonio de Sancha Prize awarded by the Madrid Publishers Association in 2010.

Sergio Fajardo joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished University Professor in Public Leadership for the School of Social Sciences and Government.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Master, Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • B.Sc., Mathematics, University of the Andes
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  • Fajardo, S. (2017). El poder de la decencia. Ideas sensatas para un país en busca de confianza. Colombia. Número de páginas: 202.

  • Fajardo, Sergio & Keisler, H.. (2017). Model Theory of Stochastic Processes. 10.1017/9781316756126.

More information

Sergio Fajardo

Sergio Fajardo

Sergio Fajardo

Profesor Universitario Distinguido en Liderazgo Público

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno


Transformación pública

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Dr. Sergio Fajardo is a mathematician, professor, and politician. At the beginning of his career, he worked for various scientific institutions in Colombia as member of the National Council for Basic Sciences, the National Commission for Masters and Doctorates, and director of the Antioquia Science and Technology Center, among others. Later, as a result of his political career, in 2016 and 2019 he held the position of visiting professor at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, in the United States.

In 1999, he founded the civic movement 'Compromiso Ciudadano' with which he was elected mayor of Medellín for the period 2004-2007 with the highest vote registered at that time in the history of the city. His government was characterized by a new form of public management, focused on citizenship, transparency, and social innovation, which resulted in the highest acceptance and popularity rates in Colombia. During this four-year period, he led the biggest transformation of Medellín: from a city of inequity and violence to a worldwide example of social transformation through education and urbanism. He was awarded by the Colombia Líder Foundation as the best mayor of Colombia.

From 2012-2015, he was governor of Antioquia. During this period, he led the city's economic and social transformation, and similar to Medellín, his government addressed inequity, violence, and corruption. He was awarded by the Colombia Líder Foundation as the best governor of Colombia.

He was a candidate for the Colombian presidential elections in 2018 and 2022.

At the beginning of 2023, 'Compromiso Ciudadano' merged with the political party 'Dignidad', becoming the new political party called 'Dignidad y Compromiso', whose leaders and founders include Sergio Fajardo.

During his career as a mathematician, the central topics of his research were mathematical logic and the area of theory of probability models. In politics, his governments and his work have focused on areas such as urbanism, territorial development, education, and gender equity, to name a few.

In addition to having been a visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the United States; at the University of Oslo, in Norway; at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and the Universidad Central de Venezuela, among other universities in the United States, Europe, and Latin America, he has also given lectures on citizenship, politics, and issues of the public sphere and its transformation.

As governor of Antioquia, Sergio Fajardo was awarded and recognized as one of the best governors in the 2012-2015 period by the Colombia Líder Foundation. In addition, his development plan called "Antioquia la Más Educada" was recognized as the best in the country.

Due to his outstanding career, he received the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the International Menéndez Pelayo University (UIMP) in Spain (2009) and the University of Cordoba, in Argentina (2015).

In 2014, he received the Excellence and Leadership Award in Urban Management and Development from the University of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.

Back to his first political position as mayor of Medellín, his social and urban transformation project called "Medellín la Más Educada" received the City to City Barcelona FAD award in 2009. Moreover, he ended his government with 95% approval and received the 2007 Latin American Character Award from The Financial Times.

Also, in 2007, he was one of the 8 outstanding leaders of the region in the America Awards for Excellence in Public Service of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the UN. Also, he received the Curry Stone Design Prize in 2009 and the Antonio de Sancha Prize awarded by the Madrid Publishers Association in 2010.

Sergio Fajardo joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished University Professor in Public Leadership for the School of Social Sciences and Government.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Master, Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • B.Sc., Mathematics, University of the Andes
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  • Fajardo, S. (2017). El poder de la decencia. Ideas sensatas para un país en busca de confianza. Colombia. Número de páginas: 202.

  • Fajardo, Sergio & Keisler, H.. (2017). Model Theory of Stochastic Processes. 10.1017/9781316756126.

More information

Centros de acopio Hambre Cero

Find your nearest collection center so you can bring your in-kind donation.

If you can't find a collection center near you, you can be an ally against hunger, it's very easy! Write to us at and we will share the 3 simple steps for you to activate a collection center in your home or office. With your support we will be able to reach more people!

Calendario de actividades Hambre Cero

Below is the schedule of Hambre Cero program activities that will take place on the campuses.

Core Labs

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Core Labs
What are Core Labs?

Core Labs” is one of the initiatives comprising the Tecnologico de Monterrey research model. It aims to provide specialized research products and services to researchers from Tec and other institutions and connect them with surrounding companies or startups.

Through the Core Labs, Tec researchers have access to specialized, state-of-the-art facilities with the infrastructure, equipment, full-time staff, and operating protocols to provide services to Institutes and Research Groups.

Core Labs are also where companies, innovators, and industry leaders come to conduct their research. With access to the latest equipment and expert support, our clients can use the high-level services they need to achieve their goals.

Who are the benefactors of Core Labs?

Researchers of Tecnologico de Monterrey



Research centers

Innovators and researches from other institutions

Discover Our 4 Core Labs

Contact us today for a visit or a free consultation
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Para conocer los Servicios Especializados de Investigación que el Core Lab ofrece, te invitamos a ingresar a la página de Market Teckeyboard_arrow_right.

Core Labs

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Core Labs
¿Qué son los Core Labs?

Los Core Labs son una de las iniciativas del modelo de investigación del Tecnológico de Monterrey, que tienen como objetivo proveer productos y servicios de investigación especializada a investigadores e investigadoras del Tec y de otras instituciones, y facilitar su vínculo con otras empresas o startups.

A través de los Core Labs, las y los investigadores tienen acceso a instalaciones especializadas de última generación con infraestructura, equipo, personal y protocolos de funcionamiento que prestan servicios a institutos y grupos de investigación. Son también el lugar al que acuden empresas, líderes industriales y de innovación que desean desarrollar sus iniciativas de investigación. Con acceso a los equipos más modernos y asistencia experta, nuestros clientes pueden utilizar los servicios de alto nivel necesarios para alcanzar sus objetivos.

¿A quién están dirigidos los Core Labs?

Researchers of Tecnologico de Monterrey



Research centers

Innovators and researches from other institutions

Actualmente, en el Tecnológico de Monterrey contamos con distintos tipos de Core Labs:

Contáctanos hoy mismo para una visita o una consulta gratuita
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Para conocer los Servicios Especializados de Investigación que el Core Lab ofrece, te invitamos a ingresar a la página de Market Teckeyboard_arrow_right.

Built Environment

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Built Environment
Solve the urban challenges of the future today.
Why study Built Environment at Tec?

Our purpose is to prepare leaders of impact. Therefore, from the very first semesters, our educational model allows you to enjoy, under the guidance of inspiring professors who are leaders in their field, learning focused on current challenges, connection with companies, and international experiences that will make your Tec experience even more enriching

At present over half the population lives in cities and by 2050 this figure will have reached 70%. Therefore, it is very important that cities should make it possible to improve their inhabitants’ quality of life, respecting the environment while fostering sustainable economic development.

As a Tec student in this area, you will acquire competencies such as:

Alumnos con robots Alumnos con robots
Alumnas en laboratorio Alumnas en laboratorio
Alumno diseñando Alumno diseñando
Register here.

For more information, just fill out the following forms.


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Be inspired by these stories

“My story begins at Tec and ends designing the largest sporting events in the world”

Arturo Fuentes // Associate Designer at Popolus

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International Experiences

At present, more than half of our students graduate with an international experience. Every semester we offer over a thousand internationalization options in more than 50 countries through:

  • Exchange programs
  • Internships
  • Certificates
  • Language programs
  • Clinical rotations
  • Dual degrees
  • Specialization courses
  • Research stays


Here, you will have the opportunity to specialize by choosing concentrations, which will enable you to meet current and future market demands. Therefore, you will graduate with a unique profile, and your expertise will be invaluable.

Tackle challenges


Connection with the productive sector.

For experience-based learning to be possible, integration between the different social actors, such as academia, industry and social organizations, is indispensable.

Here are some of the leading companies and education partners you will be able to collaborate with:


Rankings por Subject
Academic programs at Tec de Monterrey stand out in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023.


Architecture Built environment

Make it happen
These are the campuses where you can study your undergraduate degree.

Ambiente Construído

banner AMC
Ambiente Construído
Resuelve hoy, los retos urbanos del futuro.
¿Por qué estudiar Ambiente Construido en el Tec?

En el área de Ambiente Construído Nuestro propósito es formar líderes con impacto. Es por eso que nuestro modelo educativo te permite desde los primeros semestres vivir un aprendizaje enfocado en retos actuales, con la guía de profesores inspiradores líderes en su disciplina, además de la vinculación con empresas y experiencias internacionales hacen que tu experiencia en el Tec sea más enriquecedora.


Actualmente más de la mitad de la población vive en ciudades y para 2050 este número alcanzará el 70 %. Por ello es muy importante que las ciudades permitan la mejora de la calidad de vida de sus habitantes, respetando el medio ambiente al tiempo en que se fomenta el desarrollo económico sostenible.


Como estudiante del Tec en esta área adquirirás competencias como:

fondos alumnos fondos alumnos
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Regístrate aquí

Al ingresar tus datos, recibirás información y atención personalizada. ¡Te esperamos!


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Inspírate con estas historias.

“Mi historia comienza en el Tec y termina diseñando los eventos deportivos más grandes del mundo”

Arturo Fuentes // Diseñador asociado en Popolus

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International Experiences

At present, more than half of our students graduate with an international experience. Every semester we offer over a thousand internationalization options in more than 50 countries through:

  • Exchange programs
  • Internships
  • Certificates
  • Language programs
  • Clinical rotations
  • Dual degrees
  • Specialization courses
  • Research stays


Aquí tendrás la posibilidad de especializarte al elegir concentraciones, que te permitirán atender las demandas actuales y futuras del mercado, de este modo, te graduarás con un perfil único y tu expertise será invaluable.

Tackle challenges


Connection with the productive sector.

For experience-based learning to be possible, integration between the different social actors, such as academia, industry and social organizations, is indispensable.

Here are some of the leading companies and education partners you will be able to collaborate with:


Rankings por Subject
Programas Académicos del Tec de Monterrey destacan en QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023.


Architecture Built environment

Campus de oferta carrera
Hazlo posible en nuestros campus

El arte de convivir con adultos mayores

Objetivo del programa

Facilitar a familiares de adultos mayores, incluyendo aquellos con problemas cognitivos, para establecer relaciones enriquecedoras y comunicación amorosa con sus seres queridos de la tercera o cuarta edad, fomentando la plenitud personal y la armonía compasiva.


Habilidades por desarrollar:

Aprenderás a comunicarte a un ritmo que respete las limitaciones cognitivas de los adultos mayores, identificarás temas que debes evitar al dialogar con aquellos que experimentan problemas de cognición, fortalecerás tus lazos familiares y afectivos a través de una perspectiva compasiva, y te convertirás en un agente de cambio al compartir tus conocimientos y habilidades, fomentando una comunicación adecuada con los adultos mayores en tu entorno y en la sociedad en general.



  • Duración: 15 horas totales
  • Modulos: 3
  • Modalidad: Aula Virtual