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Strategic digital transformation


Este curso busca brindarte un panorama amplio y que adquieras las estrategias necesarias para triunfar en la aventura de la transformación digital mediante la definición de una estrategia, cultura y arquitectura digital para tu organización.

El programa está dirigido a dueños, consejeros, directivos y ejecutivos de empresas; tomadores de decisiones estratégicas; líderes de áreas de innovación.

Datos generales

-          Costo: $55,000 MXN (exento de IVA).*

-          Duración: treinta y seis horas.

-          Modalidad: en línea.

-          Fecha: mayo de 2022.

-      *Beneficio EXATEC: 10% descuento por pronto pago, o beneficios en pago con tarjeta de crédito. Para acceder a ellos, consulta a nuestros asesores en 


Doctorado en Política Pública

La Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública del Tecnológico de Monterrey te invita a iniciar el proceso de admisión para el programa de Doctorado en Política Pública (DPP), un programa presencial de tiempo completo que tiene como objetivo preparar investigadores líderes para la academia, el sector público y los organismos de la sociedad civil, capaces de conducir el análisis, diseño, implementación y evaluación de políticas públicas innovadoras en entornos cambiantes.


Objetivo del programa

  • Formar capital humano especializado en políticas públicas con alto rigor técnico del análisis económico, social, político, organizacional e institucional.
  • Desarrollar analistas capaces de proponer y ejecutar soluciones a los problemas complejos y variados del quehacer público.
  • Preparar investigadores de alto nivel que coadyuven a los procesos de democratización y eficacia de la gestión pública y promuevan la relación Estado-sociedad.


Habilidades a desarrollar

  • Proponer y desarrollar estrategias de vinculación entre Gobierno, sociedad civil y empresas.
  • La capacidad para diseñar, implementar y evaluar políticas públicas en los diferentes órdenes y ámbitos de gobierno.
  • Habilidad para proponer y ejercer el liderazgo en materia de investigación ligada al ámbito de la política pública.


Dirigido a

  • Funcionarios públicos de diferentes órdenes y niveles de Gobierno interesados en profundizar sus conocimientos en las áreas de administración pública y política pública.
  • Profesionales del sector privado que buscan especializarse en las relaciones gobierno-empresa.
  • Investigadores y profesionistas del área social interesados en generar conocimiento de vanguardia en los campos de la administración y política pública.


Cierre de la convocatoria: 15 de abril de 2022.

Modalidad: programa presencial de tiempo completo.


Contacto para dudas

Maria Carolina González Villagomez (, (+52) 8123511872


Alejandro Echeverri - Faculty

Alejandro Echeverri

Alejandro Echeverri

FEMSA Distinguished Visiting Professor in Urbanism

School of Architecture, Art and Design


Sustainable urbanism
Social urbanism
Architecture and urban sustainable design

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Professor Alejandro Echeverri is an architect, urban planner, and Colombian academic. Architect from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Medellín, he is candidate for a Ph.D. in Urban Planning at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

He is co-founder and director of URBAM, a center for urban and environmental studies at EAFIT University in Medellín, Colombia, and a Harvard GSD Loeb Fellow. Since 2022, he is
a member of the jury of the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize, founded by the College of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, in the United States.

Alejandro Echeverri's experience combines architectural, urban, environmental, and planning projects. Since 2010, he has been working with URBAM on environmental, urban, and social issues in developing countries as an international consultant and advisor to UN-Habitat and the World Bank, especially in countries with weak political and institutional structures. He is also dedicated to design through his studio, Alejandro Echeverri + Valencia Arquitectos, focusing on projects with low environmental impact for tropical regions.

He has collaborated as a professor, lecturer, and jury member with various national (Colombia) and international institutions, including the LSE Cities Master program at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and as a design critic at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Between 2004 and 2008, he was the director of EDU, the urban development company of the city of Medellín, where he led the strategy of social urbanism, seeking to transform and improve the neighborhoods with the greatest problems of inequality and violence with the support and association of the mayor of the city, Sergio Fajardo,  turning Medellín into a future reference for other cities.

He received the 2016 Obayashi Prize in Japan.

Alejandro Echeverri joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Urbanism for the School of Architecture, Art and Design. 

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Education and Training

  • Loeb Fellow Graduate, School of Design, Harvard University.
  • Master in Advanced Studies in Urbanism and Territorial Planning and Ph.D. Candidate in Urbanism and Territorial Planning. ETSAB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
  • Urbanist Architect, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB).
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  • “Medellín re-escribe sus barrios" in MANITO, Félix (ed.). Ciudades creativas (vol. 5): espacio público y cultura en acción. Barcelona: Fundación Kreanta, 2013.

Alejandro Echeverri - Faculty

Alejandro Echeverri

Alejandro Echeverri

FEMSA Profesor Visitante Distinguido en Urbanismo

Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño


Urbanismo sostenible
Urbanismo social
Arquitectura y diseño sostenible

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Professor Alejandro Echeverri is an architect, urban planner, and Colombian academic. Architect from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Medellín, he is candidate for a Ph.D. in Urban Planning at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

He is co-founder and director of URBAM, a center for urban and environmental studies at EAFIT University in Medellín, Colombia, and a Harvard GSD Loeb Fellow. Since 2022, he is
a member of the jury of the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize, founded by the College of Architecture of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, in the United States.

Alejandro Echeverri's experience combines architectural, urban, environmental, and planning projects. Since 2010, he has been working with URBAM on environmental, urban, and social issues in developing countries as an international consultant and advisor to UN-Habitat and the World Bank, especially in countries with weak political and institutional structures. He is also dedicated to design through his studio, Alejandro Echeverri + Valencia Arquitectos, focusing on projects with low environmental impact for tropical regions.

He has collaborated as a professor, lecturer, and jury member with various national (Colombia) and international institutions, including the LSE Cities Master program at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and as a design critic at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Between 2004 and 2008, he was the director of EDU, the urban development company of the city of Medellín, where he led the strategy of social urbanism, seeking to transform and improve the neighborhoods with the greatest problems of inequality and violence with the support and association of the mayor of the city, Sergio Fajardo,  turning Medellín into a future reference for other cities.

He received the 2016 Obayashi Prize in Japan.

Alejandro Echeverri joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Urbanism for the School of Architecture, Art and Design. 

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Education and Training

  • Loeb Fellow Graduate, School of Design, Harvard University.
  • Master in Advanced Studies in Urbanism and Territorial Planning and Ph.D. Candidate in Urbanism and Territorial Planning. ETSAB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
  • Urbanist Architect, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB).
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  • “Medellín re-escribe sus barrios" in MANITO, Félix (ed.). Ciudades creativas (vol. 5): espacio público y cultura en acción. Barcelona: Fundación Kreanta, 2013.


Our core giving projects aim to improve lives; improving conditions now and for the future. We know that talent is distributed equitably, but opportunities are not. That's why we bring opportunities to the best talent, no matter where it comes from, or who it belongs to.

We promote research, innovation, and entrepreneurship through our high-impact research centers, to make a difference in Mexico and the world. We also have centers that focus on addressing challenges that as a society we have a responsibility to solve.

Finally, we strengthen student education and the learning experience by creating environments on our campuses and surrounding areas that enrich collaboration and encourage thought.

Learn more below.

Education and Social Mobility
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship




Other projects

Facilities and Community


Our core giving projects aim to improve lives; improving conditions now and for the future. We know that talent is distributed equitably, but opportunities are not. That's why we bring opportunities to the best talent, no matter where it comes from, or who it belongs to.

We promote research, innovation, and entrepreneurship through our high-impact research centers, to make a difference in Mexico and the world. We also have centers that focus on addressing challenges that as a society we have a responsibility to solve.

Finally, we strengthen student education and the learning experience by creating environments on our campuses and surrounding areas that enrich collaboration and encourage thought.

Learn more below.

Talento académico extraordinario y movilidad social
Investigación, Innovación y Emprendimiento




Other projects

Entorno y Comunidad

Irma Elisa Eraña Rojas - Faculty


Irma Elisa Eraña Rojas

National Director of the Medical Surgeon Program

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Campus Monterrey




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"Anatomic pathology is a medical specialty essential to understand the physiopathological processes of disease, to correlate them with clinical medicine and to arrive at a diagnosis to be able to help with treatment."

Eraña Rojas believes herself to be a researcher that, based on relevant clinical information, medical knowledge, and macroscopic and microscopic information, is capable to diagnose the pathologies in patients. She is certain that her challenge as an anatomopathologist is to keep herself up to date to arrive at a more accurate and complete diagnosis and to be of help on the patients' search for health. As a teacher, her main challenge is for her students to enjoy the learning process so that, despite difficulties, they feel pride when they finish their studies and have the necessary enthusiasm to continue their professional training.

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Teaching Activities

  • Advanced Cytology
  • Anatomic Pathology
  • Body Systems Pathology and Pharmacology
  • Medical Assistance in Advanced Cytology
  • Medical Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology


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Education and Training

  • Specialty in Pathological Anatomy, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Surgeon, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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  • Embracing virtuality: User acceptance of virtual settings for learning.  Computers and Electrical Engineering.  93. 2021 

  • Birds of a feather flock together: Building a community of MedEd researchers.  Medical Education.  55:648. 2021 

  • Analysis of anxiety on early clinical encounters: Experiences using clinical simulation in undergraduate students Análisis de la ansiedad en los primeros encuentros clínicos: experiencias utilizando la simulación clínica en estudiantes de pregrado.  Educacion Medica.  21:377-382. 2020 

  • Faculty perceptions of dishonesty on medical students: Prevalence, motivations and implications Percepciones de los profesores sobre de la deshonestidad en estudiantes de Medicina: prevalencia, motivaciones e implicaciones.  Educacion Medica.  21:285-291. 2020 

  • The role of the medicine student in COVID-19 pandemic. A shared responsibility El papel del estudiante de medicina ante la pandemia de COVID-19. Una responsabilidad compartida.  Cirugia y Cirujanos.  88:399-401. 2020 


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Awards and Honors

  • Shortlisted to the Wharton- QS Stars REimagine Educaation Awards 2018 in the category Presence Learning award :Forensic Science Immersion Lab, conferred by Re-imagine Education QS Star, 2017
  • Microsoft innovative educator expert 2017-2018, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2017
  • Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, conferred by Microsoft Corporation, 2016
  • Pathology Virtual Lab, conferred by Re-imagine Education QS Star, 2016

Irma Elisa Eraña Rojas - Faculty

Irma Elisa Eraña Rojas

Irma Elisa Eraña Rojas

Director Nacional de Programa de Médico Cirujano

Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud 

Campus Monterrey




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"Anatomic pathology is a medical specialty essential to understand the physiopathological processes of disease, to correlate them with clinical medicine and to arrive at a diagnosis to be able to help with treatment."

Eraña Rojas believes herself to be a researcher that, based on relevant clinical information, medical knowledge, and macroscopic and microscopic information, is capable to diagnose the pathologies in patients. She is certain that her challenge as an anatomopathologist is to keep herself up to date to arrive at a more accurate and complete diagnosis and to be of help on the patients' search for health. As a teacher, her main challenge is for her students to enjoy the learning process so that, despite difficulties, they feel pride when they finish their studies and have the necessary enthusiasm to continue their professional training.

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Teaching Activities

  • Advanced Cytology
  • Anatomic Pathology
  • Body Systems Pathology and Pharmacology
  • Medical Assistance in Advanced Cytology
  • Medical Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology


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Education and Training

  • Specialty in Pathological Anatomy, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Surgeon, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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  • Embracing virtuality: User acceptance of virtual settings for learning.  Computers and Electrical Engineering.  93. 2021 

  • Birds of a feather flock together: Building a community of MedEd researchers.  Medical Education.  55:648. 2021 

  • Analysis of anxiety on early clinical encounters: Experiences using clinical simulation in undergraduate students Análisis de la ansiedad en los primeros encuentros clínicos: experiencias utilizando la simulación clínica en estudiantes de pregrado.  Educacion Medica.  21:377-382. 2020 

  • Faculty perceptions of dishonesty on medical students: Prevalence, motivations and implications Percepciones de los profesores sobre de la deshonestidad en estudiantes de Medicina: prevalencia, motivaciones e implicaciones.  Educacion Medica.  21:285-291. 2020 

  • The role of the medicine student in COVID-19 pandemic. A shared responsibility El papel del estudiante de medicina ante la pandemia de COVID-19. Una responsabilidad compartida.  Cirugia y Cirujanos.  88:399-401. 2020 


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Awards and Honors

  • Shortlisted to the Wharton- QS Stars REimagine Educaation Awards 2018 in the category Presence Learning award :Forensic Science Immersion Lab, conferred by Re-imagine Education QS Star, 2017
  • Microsoft innovative educator expert 2017-2018, conferred by Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2017
  • Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, conferred by Microsoft Corporation, 2016
  • Pathology Virtual Lab, conferred by Re-imagine Education QS Star, 2016

César Alberto Lucio Ramírez - Faculty


César Alberto Lucio Ramírez

National Director of Academic Societies

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Campus Monterrey




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"Children are a vulnerable group and it is the pediatrician's duty to safeguard their health and integrity. This is why pediatrics is the medical area that fulfills and interests me the most."

Pediatrics and medical education are César Alberto Lucio Ramírez's greatest passions. Pediatrics, because children are vulnerable persons, many times voiceless, that need someone to look after their health. Medical education, because it encompasses what doctors do every day: teaching and sharing knowledge with those they educate. Taking care of patients is highly rewarding to him. Helping sick children, walking alongside healthy boys and girls while they grow up and develop, delivering babies during childbirth, are activities he gets to learn from as well as reasons to be grateful for. He is also certain that the future of a society lies in our children. 

From the time he started medical school, Lucio Ramírez was drawn toward medical education. To train students in healthcare sciences has a great impact on society, which is why producing excellent professionals with clinical skills, knowledge, and kindness is a challenge he has decided to take on. When searching for new techniques for teaching and learning, he fulfills his intellectual curiosity and his sense of innovation. He believes that the main challenge for pediatrics is to focus on the health of children in spite of distractors or other elements against it. The greatest effort you can make when it comes to medical education is, he claims, to keep a fresh attitude towards the ways the new generations learn nowadays.

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Teaching Activities

  • Hospital Pediatrics
  • Pediatrics Clinic
  • Pediatrics Hospital Clinic


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Education and Training

  • Specialty in Pediatrics, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Surgeon, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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  • Evaluation of a multidisciplinary global health online course in Mexico 2020 

  • Clinical competence assessment: development of a mobile app to enhance patient centeredness.  Development and Learning in Organisations.  34:17-20. 2020 

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Awards and Honors

  • Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group, 2020
  • Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group, 2019
  • Fellow in Health Professions Education, conferred by the Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Education and Research, 2019
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Assessment and Accreditation, conferred by Keele University, 2019
  • Chief Resident, conferred by the SSNL-ITESM Multicenter Medical Residency Program, 2012

César Alberto Lucio Ramírez - Faculty

César Alberto Lucio Ramírez

César Alberto Lucio Ramírez

Director Nacional de Sociedades Académicas

Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud 

Campus Monterrey




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"Children are a vulnerable group and it is the pediatrician's duty to safeguard their health and integrity. This is why pediatrics is the medical area that fulfills and interests me the most."

Pediatrics and medical education are César Alberto Lucio Ramírez's greatest passions. Pediatrics, because children are vulnerable persons, many times voiceless, that need someone to look after their health. Medical education, because it encompasses what doctors do every day: teaching and sharing knowledge with those they educate. Taking care of patients is highly rewarding to him. Helping sick children, walking alongside healthy boys and girls while they grow up and develop, delivering babies during childbirth, are activities he gets to learn from as well as reasons to be grateful for. He is also certain that the future of a society lies in our children. 

From the time he started medical school, Lucio Ramírez was drawn toward medical education. To train students in healthcare sciences has a great impact on society, which is why producing excellent professionals with clinical skills, knowledge, and kindness is a challenge he has decided to take on. When searching for new techniques for teaching and learning, he fulfills his intellectual curiosity and his sense of innovation. He believes that the main challenge for pediatrics is to focus on the health of children in spite of distractors or other elements against it. The greatest effort you can make when it comes to medical education is, he claims, to keep a fresh attitude towards the ways the new generations learn nowadays.

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Teaching Activities

  • Hospital Pediatrics
  • Pediatrics Clinic
  • Pediatrics Hospital Clinic


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Education and Training

  • Specialty in Pediatrics, Tecnológico de Monterrey
  • Surgeon, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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  • Evaluation of a multidisciplinary global health online course in Mexico 2020 

  • Clinical competence assessment: development of a mobile app to enhance patient centeredness.  Development and Learning in Organisations.  34:17-20. 2020 

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Awards and Honors

  • Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group, 2020
  • Teaching Excellence Award, conferred by Universitas 21 Health Sciences Group, 2019
  • Fellow in Health Professions Education, conferred by the Foundation for the Advancement of Medical Education and Research, 2019
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Assessment and Accreditation, conferred by Keele University, 2019
  • Chief Resident, conferred by the SSNL-ITESM Multicenter Medical Residency Program, 2012