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Summers i with a Humanistic Outlook - 2016

Sistema de agua segura en comunidades rurales, Cántaro Azul
Safe water system in rural communities and social franchise



Given the absence of drinking water supply systems in rural communities, and the little or complete lack of women’s participation in work activities within their communities, participants decided to introduce community water purification systems called Blue Kiosks. They are operated by entrepreneurial women who contribute to the generation of positive change in their communities and families, giving them access to basic necessities, such as water, which is a fundamental right and indicator of social well-being and quality of life. The objective is also to raise awareness regarding the health risks of constantly drinking sugary beverages, and to provide information on the benefits of consuming purified drinking water. The ultimate goal is to prevent possibly fatal diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, and many others. 


Students were set the following challenges:

Develop a user-friendly design for the water purification systems.
Share knowledge on how to operate and maintain the water purification system and on drinking-water consumption.
Provide the women who operate the franchised units with an income, enabling their families and members of the community to benefit from safe water at a fair price.
Promote gender equality and encourage women to be agents of change in their community.

The outcomes of the intervention were:

  • Training for the members of the community regarding the benefits of consuming drinking water.
  • Design of safe water consumption stations.
  • Design of signs for the water purification system.
  • Facilitate access to safe drinking water in order to reduce gastrointestinal diseases. 
  • Proposals for possible new products.

Sustainable Development Goal(s)
The SDGs linked to the challenge are:

  • 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
  • 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Education partner organization
The bridge between the actors of the block and society was:
Cántaro Azul Foundation
The sector of the population impacted was:

  • Children.
  • The community’s authorities and teachers.
  • Women in the community.
  • Parents (farmers and women homemakers).


Learn more

The following images (PDF file) show some examples of the activities that students carried out in conjunction with the educational partner organization and the inhabitants of the different communities.

A slowU initiative. Further details can be found here .