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Dhruv Grewal - Faculty

Dhruv Grewal

Dhruv Grewal

Profesor Visitante Distinguido en Retail y Marketing

Escuela de Negocios y EGADE Business School


Marketing y venta al por menor
Marketing directo y comercio electrónico 
Investigación de Mercado

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Professor Dhruv Grewal’s research and teaching interests focus on the broad areas of value-based marketing strategies, retailing, pricing and marketing research.

He´s a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science, and since 1991, he has been ranked as one of the most prolific scholars in the field. To date, he has published more than 120 articles in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Dr. Grewal has also co-authored several books and is serving on numerous editorial review boards.

Dr. Grewal was selected as AMA Fellow by the American Marketing Association in February 2022, in recognition to his extensive contribution to the discipline.

Dhruv Grewal joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Visiting Professor in Retail and Marketing.

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Education and Training

  • Ph D, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • MBA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • BCom, University of Delhi, Delhi.
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  • Marketing,” 5thEdition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education (with Michael Levy), (2016).
  • “Marketing: India Edition,” 5thEdition, India: McGraw-Hill India (with Michael Levy), (2017).
  • “Marketing,” 6thEdition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education (with Michael Levy),(2018). 
  • “Marketing: India Edition,” 6thEdition, India: McGraw-Hill India (with Michael Levy), (2019). 
  • “Marketing,” 7thEdition, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education (with Michael Levy), (2020). 
  • ​​Guha, Abhijit, Abhijit Biswas, Dhruv Grewal, Swati Verma, Somak Banerjee, and Jens Nordfält (2018), “Reframing the Discount as a Comparison Against the Sale Price: Does It Make the Discount More Attractive?” Journal of Marketing Research. 
  • Guha, Abhijit, Abhijit Biswas, Dhruv Grewal, Sandeep Bhowmick, and Jens Nordfält (2018), “An Empirical Analysis of the Joint Effects of Shoppers’ Goals and Attribute Display on Shoppers’ Evaluations,” Journal of Marketing, 82 (3), 142-156. 
  • Grewal, Dhruv, Carl-Phillip Ahlbom, Stephanie Noble, Lauren Beitelspacher, and Jens Nordfält (2018), “In-Store Mobile Phone Use and Customer Shopping Behavior: Evidence from the Field,” Journal of Marketing, 82 (4), 102-126. 
  • Schroll, Roland, Benedikt Schnurr and Dhruv Grewal (2018), “Humanizing Products with Handwritten Typeface,” Journal of Consumer Research.


Marc J. Madou - Faculty

Marc Madou

Marc J. Madou

Distinguished Professor in Nanoengineering

School of Engineering and Sciences


Compact disc based fluidics
Carbon micromachining
Micro and nanotechnology

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Dr. Marc Madou is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Irvine, where he has worked for over 20 years teaching subjects such as mechanical and aerospace engineering and biomedical engineering. He was an Endowed Chair Professor in the Center for Materials Research (CMR) at The Ohio State University, director of the NSF Center for Industrial Sensors and Measurements (CISM), and Miller Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley in the United States. Internationally, he has been a professor at universities including UNIST in South Korea and at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur and Kharagpur, among others.

He is a world-renowned researcher specializing in micro- and nanofabrication processes and the application of miniaturization science and technology (micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems) to chemical and biological problems (Bio-MEMS). He is considered a pioneer in two research areas: Carbon micro- and nanofabrication (C-MEMS and C-NEMS) and compact disc fluidics (CD fluidics) for molecular diagnostics. These two technologies have resulted in at least seven start-up companies, four of which are still active. Of those founded by Marc Madou, the largest and most prominent is Enevate, a lithium-ion battery company in Irvine, California, where he is also scientific advisor. He is also the scientific founder and chairman of the board of Cence, a company that develops sensors for sweat biomarkers. His experience also includes being Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in the United States and member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (Academia Mexicana de Ciencias).

Dr. Marc Madou joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Nanoengineering for the School of Engineering and Sciences.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Semiconductor Electrochemistry (Physical Chemistry-Solid State Physics), Solid-State Physics Laboratory, Rijksuniversiteit
  • M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Rijksuniversiteit
  • B.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Rijksuniversiteit    
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  • Systems and methods for producing carbon nanostructures and ultrathin aligned carbon wires with multilayer turbostratic graphene structure
    M Madou, J Deng, A Hwu, YAN Xingxu
    US Patent 11,846,042
  • A roadmap to high-speed polymerase chain reaction (PCR): COVID-19 as a technology accelerator
    M Madadelahi, R Agarwal, SO Martinez-Chapa, MJ Madou
    Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 115830
  • Theoretical analysis of immunochromatographic assay and consideration of its operating parameters for efficient designing of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) detection
    R Agarwal, SO Martinez-Chapa, MJ Madou
    Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18296
  • Rational PCR Reactor Design in Microfluidics
    M Madadelahi, MJ Madou
    Micromachines 14 (8), 1533
  • Noble nanometals embedded carbon composites, a bottom-up fabrication process and different applications
    SOM Chapa, G Chauhan, MJ Madou, BC Benítez, MJ Moreno
    US Patent 11,603,314

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Marc J. Madou - Faculty

Marc J. Madou

Marc J. Madou

Profesor Distinguido en Nanoingeniería

Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias


Fluídica basada en discos compactos
Micromecanizado del carbono
Micro y nanotecnología

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Dr. Marc Madou is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Irvine, where he has worked for over 20 years teaching subjects such as mechanical and aerospace engineering and biomedical engineering. He was an Endowed Chair Professor in the Center for Materials Research (CMR) at The Ohio State University, director of the NSF Center for Industrial Sensors and Measurements (CISM), and Miller Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley in the United States. Internationally, he has been a professor at universities including UNIST in South Korea and at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur and Kharagpur, among others.

He is a world-renowned researcher specializing in micro- and nanofabrication processes and the application of miniaturization science and technology (micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems) to chemical and biological problems (Bio-MEMS). He is considered a pioneer in two research areas: Carbon micro- and nanofabrication (C-MEMS and C-NEMS) and compact disc fluidics (CD fluidics) for molecular diagnostics. These two technologies have resulted in at least seven start-up companies, four of which are still active. Of those founded by Marc Madou, the largest and most prominent is Enevate, a lithium-ion battery company in Irvine, California, where he is also scientific advisor. He is also the scientific founder and chairman of the board of Cence, a company that develops sensors for sweat biomarkers. His experience also includes being Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in the United States and member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (Academia Mexicana de Ciencias).

Dr. Marc Madou joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Nanoengineering for the School of Engineering and Sciences.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Semiconductor Electrochemistry (Physical Chemistry-Solid State Physics), Solid-State Physics Laboratory, Rijksuniversiteit
  • M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Rijksuniversiteit
  • B.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Rijksuniversiteit    
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  • Systems and methods for producing carbon nanostructures and ultrathin aligned carbon wires with multilayer turbostratic graphene structure
    M Madou, J Deng, A Hwu, YAN Xingxu
    US Patent 11,846,042
  • A roadmap to high-speed polymerase chain reaction (PCR): COVID-19 as a technology accelerator
    M Madadelahi, R Agarwal, SO Martinez-Chapa, MJ Madou
    Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 115830
  • Theoretical analysis of immunochromatographic assay and consideration of its operating parameters for efficient designing of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) detection
    R Agarwal, SO Martinez-Chapa, MJ Madou
    Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18296
  • Rational PCR Reactor Design in Microfluidics
    M Madadelahi, MJ Madou
    Micromachines 14 (8), 1533
  • Noble nanometals embedded carbon composites, a bottom-up fabrication process and different applications
    SOM Chapa, G Chauhan, MJ Madou, BC Benítez, MJ Moreno
    US Patent 11,603,314

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Choose to take the initial exploration stage in Law, Economics and International Relations digitally, with the possibility of having the same experience and advantages of doing so in person.

formato mixto

Formato mixto.
Digital entry, in-person experiences.

calidad academica

Academic quality
We have Mexico’s most outstanding professors, experts in the social sciences.

Aprendizaje basado en retos

Challenge-based learning
Our unique Tec21 model generates graduates with high-quality profiles, capable of critical thinking and facing current and future challenges.

vivencia estudiantil

Student experiences, multi-regional learning
Interaction with students and professors from all over the country. Development of skills in the social sciences at regional, national and global levels.

acceso tecnologico total

Total technological access
Learning using state-of-the-art technological tools (global classrooms, visiting professors, etc.).

icono life

Enjoy your student experience and participate in LiFE activities on your host campus (sports, artistic and cultural activities, student groups, etc.).

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Derecho, Economía y Relaciones Internacionales Digital

Elige cursar la etapa de exploración del área de Derecho, Economía y Relaciones Internacionales vía digital con la posibilidad de tener la misma vivencia y ventajas de hacerlo presencialmente.

formato mixto

Formato mixto.
Entrada digital, vivencia presencial.

calidad academica

Calidad académica.
Contamos con los profesores más destacados a nivel nacional, expertos en ciencias sociales.

Aprendizaje basado en retos

Aprendizaje basado en retos.
Mediante nuestro modelo único Tec 21, formamos perfiles de alta calidad con un pensamiento crítico capaz de enfrentar los retos actuales y futuros.

vivencia estudiantil

Vivencia estudiantil, aprendizaje multiregional.
Interacción con estudiantes y profesores de todo el país. Desarrollo de habilidades en ciencias sociales a nivel regional, nacional y global.

acceso tecnologico total

Acceso tecnológico total.
Aprendizaje por medio de herramientas tecnológicas de vanguardia (global classroom, visiting professors, etc.).

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Disfruta de tu vivencia estudiantil y participa en actividades LIFE en tu campus huésped (actividades deportivas, artísticas,culturales, grupos estudiantiles, etc).

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Convocatoria RISE

Beca al programa de becas Rise en alianza con el Tec de Monterrey
Convocatoria Programa RISE

¡La convocatoria de candidaturas para la edición 2023-2024 ya está abierta!

Próxima sesión informativa

group  Dirigido al público en general
insert_invitation  14 de diciembre
schedule  6:00 p.m (CDT)
location_on  Accede aquí: 
app_registration  Regístrate aquí

¡Tú podrías ser el próximo ganador o ganadora de RISE y participar en encuentros como este!

Ganadores 2021 y 2022

Los Ganadores de RISE participaron recientemente en una cumbre internacional de tres semanas en Sudáfrica, donde tuvieron la oportunidad conectar con otros ganadores en persona, poner en práctica sus talentos y reflexionar sobre las formas en que podrían resolver problemas en el futuro. El RISE Residential Summit fundó una comunidad intencional en torno a la visión compartida de encontrar soluciones a los problemas más apremiantes del mundo. Durante la cumbre, los jóvenes ganadores tuvieron la oportunidad de aprender de, y con, los líderes pasados, presentes y futuros de Sudáfrica, el continente africano y el mundo. ¡Tú podrías ser el próximo ganador o ganadora de RISE y participar en encuentros como este!

Actualmente estamos en espera del anuncio de los 100 ganadores de la tercera generación y del siguiente Summit en Oxford, UK.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de RISE?


Todos los y las aplicantes

Con postularte, ya estarás formando parte de una comunidad global de líderes.
También estarás recibiendo acceso a cursos gratuitos en línea y
oportunidades únicas con nuestros aliados alrededor del mundo.



Los finalistas participan en cursos educativos y de liderazgo, para mejorar sus habilidades y hacer crecer sus redes.


Ganadores y ganadoras globales

Reciben beneficios de por vida para ayudarlos a escalar su impacto. Estos beneficios incluyen una beca universitaria, participación en una cumbre internacional y servicios de tutoría y carrera. También podría incluir becas de posgrado y financiación para iniciar un programa social o empresa, dependiendo de la calidad de la idea y la necesidad de apoyo mientras trabajan para servir a otros.

¿Cómo y cuándo se aplica?

Conoce las etapas a seguir para aplicar a la beca, así como las fechas a considerar.


how_to_reg Registro abierto

A partir del 28 de septiembre 2023

  • Crea tu cuenta aquí.
  • Completa tu perfil
  • Únete a Rise y asiste a sesiones informativas y eventos


directions_run Rise Challenge

A partir del 28 de septiembre 2023 al 17 de enero 2024

  • Inicia tu proyecto
  • Graba actualizaciones en video o texto
  • Ve y revisa otros proyectos
  • Realiza un examen cronometrado y juega un juego en línea


groups Día de finalistas

Abril 2024

  • Participa en entrevistas y actividades grupales

Alianza Tec de Monterrey - Schmidt Futures

En un esfuerzo por fortalecer nuestros lazos con entidades internacionales afines a nuestra visión firmamos un acuerdo de colaboración con Schmidt Futures, organización que en conjunto con Rhodes Trust creó el programa Rise.

Derivado de esta colaboración, nos comprometimos a difundir la convocatoria para la beca Rise, que busca potenciar el talento y liderazgo juvenil a nivel global.

Felicitamos a los ganadores mexicanos que han obtenido la beca RISE hasta el momento. ¡Tú puedes ser el siguiente!

Difunde RISE en tu escuela
Si quieres difundir RISE en tu escuela comparte estos materiales.

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Envíanos tus dudas y/o comentarios.

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Master in Business Management


The program of the Master in Business Management features a disruptive approach based on a mixed academic model that includes working closely with companies through Corporate Immersion Practicums, as well as bootcamps, multiple cutting-edge strategies, and a curriculum taught by leading industry experts focused on every young professional, regardless of their academic background.

The program has the ability to accelerate your career from the start by covering topics around on digital business strategies, sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, digital marketing among others.



The Master in Business Management is an intensive program designed to help you fully realize your potential in just one year by strengthening both hard skills and soft skills highly valued by the industry . Accelerate your career with skills and tools that help you stand out and make a difference.



English proficiency (550 TOEFL ITP or equivalent), 550 PAEP (or equivalent), being recent graduate or young professional with no more than three years of relevant experience (after finishing bachelor’s degree).


Datos generales

  • Language: 100% English;
  • Duration: twelve months;
  • Intake: Every September;
  • Format: Full-Time Program;
  • Locations: Monterrey, Mexico City and Guadalajara;
  • Average age: 23 years old.
Tips & life stories


What is Outliers?

Outliers is a collection of excepcional stories experienced at Tec and after Tec. On this platform, the stories acquire a voice and a face, projected through videos and interviews with students, Exatec and members of the Tec community who found an unusual path to the successful accomplishment of their goals.

The project emerged from the desire to inspire the entire Tec community, to make each member a part of this moment of narrating and leaving a record of their story, transmitting a sense of pride and belonging. Everyone has a story to tell; everyone can be an Outlier.

Everyone has a story to tell. You can be an Outlier.

Tips & life stories
Season 3
Season 2

Season 1

Who is an Outlier?

An Outlier is someone who writes their story their way, a story that has marked their evolution and gradually built the person they are today.  Outliers are not conventional people. Even though they know that it won’t always be easy, they ever give up, but strive to be extraordinary and stand out in everything they do. They are people who were and still are part of the Tecnológico de Monterrey community, who continue to leave their legacy wherever they go.

Outliers never give up when their path becomes challenging, strewn with obstacles that could seem to be hurdles too large to surmount and keep going forwards.

Outliers turn this into an opportunity to create their own destiny and reinvent their objectives, because they know that the path to success is never straight and narrow.

Far beyond the skills they developed at Tec and their activities within the community, it is the courage not to choose the easy, comfortable, wide path. It is the decision never to settle for anything. It is the empowerment of their tools and values, and the capacity to put them into practice. This is what defines Outliers.

Outliers are people who through their actions can generate an impact on society, an impact that can change the world.

You can be an Outlier too! Tell us your story

Rostro de Outlier Estefanía
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.

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