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Boost your skills

Boost Your Skills

On forming part of Tecnológico de Monterrey you will be able to develop new competencies and access specialized programs (MOOCs) offering credits from the best universities in the world.

Develop Powerskills

Specialized courses and programs for developing Powerskills (soft skills).

In-depth study

Specialized courses and programs for exploring your degree in greater depth.


Specialized courses and programs for developing skills that can complement your curriculum and preparation.

Boost your skills
Access specialized courses and programs
Access verified certified courses from over 60 universities through the initiative codes and enjoy innovative learning experiences of the highest quality to enhance your profile.

Access +2,000 certificate courses to capitalize on the skills you already had through re-skilling or, in many cases, cross-skilling with new skills to consolidate your profile in current topics.

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Choose from more than 100 carefully selected courses delivered by the world’s leading experts.

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Coursera for Campus
Earn certification in specialized courses and programs through the La Triada academic partnership.

How to access the courses?

To take one of the courses offered in Coursera for Campus, you will need to have an email with an, or domain and follow these instructions:



Click on "Join for Free."


If you are a Tec student or collaborator, click on "Start Session with Tecnológico de Monterrey".


Sign in with your student ID or employee number.


Review the catalogue option to find out about the available courses.

Thematic areas of the courses:

You have until February 1, 2024 to enroll in the courses and until June 1, 2024 to finish them and receive your certificate.


edx Essentials

¿Cómo acceder a los cursos?

Ingresa a la página de edX. Registra tu usuario del Tec o si ya cuentas con uno haz login.


Llena el siguiente formulario e inscríbete con tu cuenta institucional.


En 48 horas recibirás el correo de acceso al menú de Edx, con más de 100 MOOCs de las mejores universidades y empresas del mundo.

He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.

You have until June 29, 2024, to complete them.


“My name is Yeimy Gonzalez (17 years old). I live in Colombia and have been diagnosed with mixed cerebral palsy owing to prematurity, and study in the homeschooling modality. I am very grateful for everything I have learned. I really liked the teaching method because each topic is explained very clearly.”

Course: Introduction to Data Analysis for Decision Making

“I am a Computer Systems Engineer and currently work as a secondary school teacher, offering classes on informatics and science with an emphasis on physics. I studied this course to improve my teaching practice. I can’t stress enough how clearly the instructors explained the topics in video tutorials.”

Rubén Peña Martínez

Course: Physics, Dimension and Movement / Coursera

“I’m so grateful to the prestigious Tecnológico de Monterrey and Coursera for giving me the opportunity to participate. The course has helped me to acquire knowledge related to active learning and its special connection with the so-called emerging technologies.”

Course: Instructional Design for Active Learning

The instructors are excellent professionals. I’m very grateful for all their knowledge and way of communicating it. It has been a marvelous experience for my professional growth.”

Ana Milagros Mijares

Specialized course: Marketing with Social Networks / Coursera.