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Privacy Notice Forever Prep@Net

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information that you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

If you have any questions related to the protection of your personal data, you can contact us at the following email:

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

To fulfill the data processing purposes indicated herein, ITESM must collect and process the following categories of personal data.

  • Identification data, including your personal image.
  • Moreover, in order to fulfill the purposes indicated herein, ITESM will not collect or process any sensitive personal data.

Primary purposes

ITESM will process your personal information for the following primary purposes:

  • Identify you as a graduate during the ceremony that will be transmitted live (streaming) through social media, digital tools and platforms that so permit, including those that allow their subsequent reproduction.
  • To address and follow up on your requests.
  • To keep the video recording of the ceremony as part of the proceedings of the graduation events we carry out.


Based on the provisions of article 37 of the LFPDPPP (Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties), ITESM can transfer your personal data without the need for your consent in the following cases:

  • Controlling, subsidiary or affiliate companies under the common control of the responsible entity, or a parent company or any company from the same group as the responsible entity which operates under the same processes and internal policies.
  • The competent authorities for the cases set forth in the applicable legislation, in the event that we receive a requisition for mandatory compliance.
    • Your child’s full name and student ID number.
    • The indication in the body of the message “I do not agree”.
    • If you write to us from any other email, please attach your official ID.

Options for limiting the use or disclosure of your Personal Data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending your non-disclosure application to the email: from your institutional account before July 15,2020, if you are a graduating student who is an adult.

Requirements for proof of identity and the procedure for addressing your request will be governed by the same criteria indicated on our webpage: If your request is valid, you will be added to ITESM’s exclusion list.

For graduating students who are minors, the person who exercises parental authority can limit personal data use or disclosure by submitting their non-disclosure request under the same terms as set forth in the previous paragraph, but from the account registered with the institution, and also indicating:

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending an email and following the procedure, requirements, and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent on our webpage:

Please note that we cannot address your request or terminate use immediately in every case, since a legal obligation could be in place that requires us to continue to process your data.

Use of Cookies

ITESM uses several technologies to enhance the efficiency of the Platform, including your browsing experience. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on the browser used by each user that enable the server to remember specific data that can be used later on. This information makes it possible to identify and save your personal preferences in order to offer you a better browsing experience.

The use of cookies and other technologies can be deactivated, disabled or adjusted by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using:

  • Select the option “configuration” or tools, according to your browser.
  • Select the option deactivate cookies.

This process not only disables our Platform’s cookies on your browser, but also those from your browser.

The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are: Identifiers, session username and passwords, region where you are located, type of browser, type of operating system, date and time of starting and finishing a session, webpages visited, searches completed, and advertising viewed.

These technologies can be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or eliminate parts of this Privacy Notice at any time. As a result of legislative changes, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services, this Privacy Notice is subject to modifications or updates. In this event, ITESM will publish such changes on the official website and indicate the date of the latest version of the notice. Please check this page from time to time in order to be aware of any changes made to the notice.

Last updated: July 2020

Aviso de Privacidad Por siempre Prep@Net

Identidad y domicilio del Responsable

El Responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales que usted proporcione, es el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (en lo sucesivo "ITESM") con domicilio ubicado en Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, colonia Tecnológico en Monterrey, Nuevo León. C.P. 64700.

Para cualquier duda relacionada con la protección de sus datos personales podrá contactarnos en la dirección de correo electrónico

Datos personales y datos personales sensibles tratados por el ITESM

Para cumplir con las finalidades del tratamiento señaladas en el presente Aviso de Privacidad, es necesario que el ITESM trate las siguientes categorías de datos personales.

  • Datos de identificación, incluyendo su imagen personal;

Asimismo, le informamos que para cumplir con las finalidades señaladas en el presente Aviso, ITESM no recabará ni tratará datos personales sensibles.

Finalidades primarias

El ITESM podrá tratar sus datos personales para cumplir con las siguientes finalidades primarias:

  • Identificarle como graduado durante la ceremonia que será transmitida en vivo (streaming) a través redes sociales, herramientas digitales y plataformas que así lo permiten, incluidos aquellos que permiten su reproducción posterior;
  • Atender y dar seguimiento a las solicitudes que realice;
  • Conservar la video grabación de la ceremonia como parte de las memorias de los eventos de graduación que realizamos.


Con base en lo establecido en el artículo 37 de la LFPDPPP, el ITESM podrá transferir sus datos personales sin requerir de su consentimiento en los siguientes supuestos:

  • A sociedades controladoras, subsidiarias o afiliadas bajo el control común del responsable, o a una sociedad matriz o cualquier sociedad del mismo grupo del responsable que opere bajo los mismos procesos y políticas internas;
  • Autoridades competentes en los casos previstos por la normatividad aplicable, en el caso que recibiéramos un requerimiento de obligado cumplimiento.

Opciones y medios para limitar el uso o divulgación de sus Datos Personales

Usted podrá limitar el uso o divulgación de sus datos personales dirigiendo su solicitud de no divulgación al correo electrónico: desde su cuenta institucional antes del miércoles 15 de julio de 2020, en el caso de que usted sea un graduando mayor de edad.

En caso de los graduandos menores de edad, la patria potestad, podrá limitar el uso o divulgación de los datos personales dirigiendo su solicitud de no divulgación en los mismos términos que el párrafo anterior, pero desde la cuenta que tiene registrada con la institución, e indicando adicionalmente:

  • El nombre completo y matrícula de su menor hijo/a.
  • La indicación en el cuerpo del correo “No estoy de acuerdo”.
  • En caso de que nos escriba desde otra cuenta de correo, será necesario agregue su identificación oficial.

Derechos ARCO y/o revocación del consentimiento

Usted o su representante legal podrá ejercer cualquiera de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación u oposición (en lo sucesivo “derechos arco”), así como revocar su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales a través del correo electrónico y siguiendo el procedimiento, requisitos y plazos para el ejercicio de sus Derechos ARCO y/o revocación del consentimiento de nuestra página de internet:

Es importante que tenga en cuenta que no en todos los casos podremos atender su solicitud o concluir el uso de forma inmediata, ya que es posible que por alguna obligación legal requeríamos seguir tratando sus datos personales.

Uso de Cookies

El ITESM utiliza varias tecnologías para mejorar la eficiencia del la Plataforma incluyendo su experiencia cuando navega por el sitio. Las cookies son pequeñas cantidades de información que se almacenan en el navegador utilizado por cada usuario para que el servidor recuerde cierta información que posteriormente pueda utilizar. Esta información permite identificarle y guardar sus preferencias personales para brindarle una mejor experiencia de navegación.

Le recordamos que usted puede desactivar, deshabilitar o ajustar el uso de cookies y otras tecnologías siguiendo los procedimientos del navegador de internet que utiliza.

  • Seleccione la opción de “configuración” o herramientas de acuerdo con su explorador.
  • Seleccione la opción desactivar cookies.
  • Este proceso no solo deshabilitará las cookies de nuestra Plataforma, sino las de todo su explorador.

Los datos personales que se pueden obtener a través del uso de estas tecnologías son los siguientes: Identificadores, nombre de usuario y contraseñas de una sesión; región en la que se encuentra; tipo de navegador; tipo de sistema operativo; fecha y hora del inicio y final de una sesión; páginas web visitadas; búsquedas realizadas y publicidad revisada. Estas tecnologías podrán deshabilitarse siguiendo los procedimientos del navegador de internet que utiliza.

Cambios al Aviso de Privacidad

El ITESM se reserva el derecho, bajo su exclusiva discreción, de cambiar, modificar, agregar o eliminar partes del presente Aviso de Privacidad en cualquier momento. Derivado de novedades legislativas, políticas internas o nuevos requerimientos para la prestación u ofrecimiento de nuestros servicios, el presente Aviso de Privacidad estará sujeto a modificaciones o actualizaciones. En tal caso, el ITESM publicará dichas modificaciones en el sitio e indicará la fecha de última versión del aviso. Le recomendamos revisar periódicamente esta página con la finalidad de informarse si ocurre algún cambio al presente.

Fecha de última actualización: Julio 2020

Rankings Tec

Rankings of Tecnológico de Monterrey


University rankings measure in different ways the performance and outputs of universities compared to their peers. These measures are usually related to the reputation of each ins-titution. Nowadays, different university rankings are used by students, academics, governments, scholarship providers, employers, and university leaders for different purposes: from enrollment, to institutional recognition, to funding. Rankings influence major decisions in higher education.

Tecnológico de Monterrey has always pursued its own evaluation and continuous improvement. The Institution holds itself to the highest standards of collaboration with partner universities and contributions to academic progress, as well as commitment to society and resolution of socio-economicmic problems in Mexico and around the world.


The results of the rankings provide the basis for setting even more goals that are ambitious for us as an institution, for the benefit of our students and society; the implementation of our Tec21 Educational Model, which allows us to endorse our commitment to excellence education, is an example of this.

Some important rankings in the world:




QS Quacquarelli Symonds  

QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) is a British company specializing in the analysis of higher education institutions worldwide. Nunzio Quacquarelli founded the company in 1990. It is a global provider of information and solutions specialized in higher education and careers. QS has been producing authoritative and independent global rankings since 2004 and continues to lead innovation in ranking and evaluation around the world. In addition to producing a global university classification, QS annually produces classifications by areas of study and other classifications by localities and regions.



THE Times Higher Education  

Times Higher Education (THE) is a weekly magazine based in London that reports on higher education news and topics. He is also known for publishing the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, BRICS & Emerging Economies Ranking, Asia University Rankings, World Reputation Rankings, Global Employability Ranking and 150 under 50 Rankings and Latin America Ranking.
The results have been published annually since autumn 2010.




If you have any questions or comments about this information, write to us at:

Rankings Tec

Rankings Tecnológico de Monterrey


Los rankings miden de diferente manera el desempeño y los resultados de las universidades en comparación con sus pares. Estas medidas suelen estar relacionadas con la reputación de cada institución. Hoy en día, los estudiantes, académicos, gobiernos, proveedores de becas, empleadores y líderes universitarios utilizan diferentes clasificaciones universitarias para diferentes propósitos: desde la inscripción, el reconocimiento institucional, hasta el financiamiento. Las clasificaciones influyen en las decisiones más importantes de la educación superior.

El Tecnológico de Monterrey siempre ha perseguido su propia evaluación y mejora continua. La Institución mantiene los más altos estándares de colaboración con las universidades asociadas y contribuciones al progreso académico, así como el compromiso con la sociedad y la resolución de problemas socio-económicos en México y en todo el mundo.


Los resultados de los rankings proporcionan la base para establecer aún más metas que son ambiciosas para nosotros como institución, en beneficio de nuestros estudiantes y la sociedad; la implementación de nuestro Modelo Educativo Tec21, que nos permite avalar nuestro compromiso con la educación de excelencia, es un ejemplo de esto.

Algunos rankings importantes en el mundo:




QS Quacquarelli Symonds  

QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) es una empresa británica especializada en el análisis de instituciones de educación superior de todo el mundo. Nunzio Quacquarelli fundó la empresa en 1990. Es un proveedor global de información y soluciones especializadas en educación superior y carreras. QS ha estado produciendo clasificaciones mundiales autorizadas e independientes desde 2004 y continúa liderando la innovación en la clasificación y evaluación en el mundo. Además de producir una clasificación universitaria mundial, QS produce anualmente clasificaciones por áreas de estudios y otras clasificaciones por localidades y regiones.


THE Times Higher Education  

Times Higher Education (THE) es una revista semanal con sede en Londres, que informa sobre noticias y temas relacionados con la educación superior. También es conocido por publicar el Times Higher Education World University Rankings, BRICS & Emerging Economies Ranking, Asia University Rankings, World Reputation Rankings, Global Employability Ranking y 150 under 50 Rankings y Latin America Ranking.
Los resultados han sido publicados anualmente desde el otoño de 2010.




Si tienes dudas o comentarios al respecto de esta información, escríbenos a:

How do we support you?

directions_run Making way for the new reality

Making way for the new reality

At the Tec de Monterrey, our priority is the safety and health of all our students. We seek to ensure that the TEC community is informed of the measures and protocols that we have designed to minimize the risk of contagion at our facilities on their return to campus. The success of these measures depends on all of us; we are counting on you.

Individuals from risk groups should continue their activities remotely.

  • Your tutor, student success mentor, career/program director will be ready to accompany you when you need them. You should email them if you have suspicious symptoms, or if you are a confirmed case with COVID-19. You should not report to the campus or facility until your campus nurse determines that you can do so, they will send the authorization through your tutor, student success mentor, career/program director who in turn will provide you with this information.
  • In the event of a confirmed case, the "Attention to Suspect Case COVID19" protocol will be activated and your success mentor, program/career director or academic advisor will contact you.
  • If you have had contact with a confirmed case with COVID-19 you must report it through the TQueremos line, your tutors, student success mentors, career directors and/or program directors. You should not report to the campus or facility until you are instructed on return protocol.
  • We implemented a sentinel monitoring system that includes periodic testing of wastewater for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as the application of random PCR tests.
  • Your tutor, student success mentor, or career/program director will contact you to inform you about the people you had contact within the face-to-face classes in order to take the necessary confinement measures.


Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory´s (MARTEC) Opening

In response to the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and always committed its conmmunity´s health and well-being, Tecnológico de Monterrey has created the Wastewater Monitoring Laboratory (MARTEC) with world-class technology to detect the risk of infection of COVID-19 at an early stage.

Quiénes somos

Road Map for Entrepreneurial Families

What is the Road Map for Entrepreneurial Families?

This educational program, designed by the Business Families Foundation and for which Tecnológico de Monterrey has exclusivity rights, seeks to provide family businesses with a method for managing the complicated family-business relationship that has been proven in several parts of the world and in diverse cultural contexts.

The Road Map for Entrepreneurial Families™ is a five-day, face-to-face workshop designed not only to provide an effective method for managing the family-business relationship, but also to drive and clarify the firm’s and the family’s objectives, as well as to devise a productive work plan to implement and attain these objectives. Facilitators and family business experts work with you and your family in this program to help you to learn, reflect and take action on the family and business dynamics existing in your family business.

This program targets all entrepreneurial families, regardless of whether they are at the development stage or which type of management or governance practices they have or have not instituted in their firm. It offers learning opportunities to owners, successors, spouses and other members of the entrepreneurial family.

A safe place…
This program has been designed to be sensitive to and respectful of each individual family issue. The facilitators create a healthy environment that drives communication among the members of the family.

*Information from BFF website



enlace+ was founded in 2008, in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, by businessmen Alberto G. Villarreal, José Wapinski (Emwa), Rogelio Zambrano (Cemex) and Enrique Gómez Junco (Óptima Energía), with the firm purpose of promoting Mexico's economic growth.

Emprendimiento, Red de Enlace E+E, Antecedentes
About enlace+

enlace+ is a program that helps to institutionalize innovative companies in the growth and consolidation stage, in order to professionalize, through the largest network of personalized counseling and mentoring – made up of 500 high-profile members – the business skills of their leaders.

Emprendimiento, Red de Enlace E+E, Servicios


enlace+ operates under a model in which, for a year and a half:

  • Assigns an Advisory Council focused on the needs of the company.
  • Offers mentoring provided by a group of high-profile entrepreneurs and managers, who are suitable for the line of business of each company.
  • Connects with investors and allies.
  • Strategically accompanies decision making to generate growth in sales and profits, achieve orderly growth and enhance positive impact through the training of conscious businessmen and women.
Program impact:
  • 15 years of experience.
  • Presence in 11 chapters: Aguascalientes, CDMX, Cuernavaca, Guadalajara, Irapuato, León, Monterrey, Querétaro, Puebla, Sinaloa and Toluca.
  • More than 400 supported companies, which on average have reported increases in sales of more than 133% and growth of 180% in job creation compared to the previous year of their participation in the program.
  • A network of more than 500 members whose business and management experience (20 years on average) allows us to offer personalized Counseling and Mentoring to support those who are founders and general directors of the innovative companies that have been selected to be part of the program.
How to take part?

Every year, enlace+ looks for innovative entrepreneurs who are generating a positive impact in Mexico, to promote the institutionalization of their companies .





convocatoria enlace



  • Differentiating model and/or the capacity to be the leader in the industry.
  • Positive impact on the development of Mexico.
  • Exponential scalability/ growth  potential.
  • Annual sales between  $10 and $500 M MXN.
  • Business model already defined and with at least  4 years of operation.
  • Sales growth of at  least 15% in the last year.
  • At least 10 employees.

Steps to participate:

  1. Period to receive applications from companies: January 15 to March 15 at
  2. Interviews with pre-selected companies: February to April.
  3. Final company selection panel: May.
  4. Welcome and onboarding of selected companies: June.
Program value

The program has a determined value based on the company's annual sales amounts, taking as a reference the end of the year prior to the call. Companies with sales amounts of less than 300 million of pesos will have a percentage discount to support the development of SMEs.




Florecimiento Humano

Todos los seres humanos poseemos una gran capacidad de crecimiento y desarrollo para alcanzar nuestra mejor versión en diversas situaciones.

En el Tecnológico de Monterrey valoramos el concepto de autorrealización humana como un proceso personal y consciente, de mejora de habilidades en todas las áreas de la vida. Este proceso es único para cada individuo, ya que cada persona se relaciona con su comunidad y su entorno para contribuir a la consolidación de un mundo mejor. En este proceso, se respeta la dignidad tanto del individuo mismo como de quienes le rodean.

Entorno para Florecer de Florecimiento Humano del Tec de Monterrey

Entorno para florecer

El Florecimiento Humano es el camino para ser la mejor versión de cada uno, de nuestra sociedad y de nuestro planeta.

Aquí te proporcionamos una variedad de recursos y utilidades para comprender la noción de Florecimiento Humano y aprender cómo aplicarla en la vida cotidiana.

¡Desarrolla tu florecimiento humano! navigate_next
Nuestras iniciativas y programas

Conoce las iniciativas y programas del Tec de Monterrey con los cuales buscamos promover el Florecimiento Humano en nuestras y nuestros estudiantes, colaboradores y nuestra comunidad.



Formulario de contacto sobre iniciativas y programas con Sentido Humano del Tec de Monterrey
He leído y acepto los términos de AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD.
Introduzca los caracteres mostrados en la imagen.

Privacy Notice for contact centers

"In the event of a discrepancy between the content of the English version and the original Spanish version the latter shall prevail".

Identity and address of the responsible entity

The entity responsible for the personal information you provide is Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (hereinafter “ITESM”), operating at the address Av. Eugenio Garza Sada Sur No. 2501, Colonia Tecnológico, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, C.P. 64700.

Personal data and sensitive personal data processed by ITESM

In order to deal with your request, ITESM will gather and process personal identification data, personal contact data and personal academic data.

We should also like to inform you that ITESM will gather and process the personal identification data, personal contact data and personal academic data of your family members and/or third parties with whom you have a relationship as required to fulfill the primary and necessary purposes of the legal relationship established with you. Therefore, by providing the necessary personal data related to your family members and/or third parties, you are acknowledging that you have their consent for ITESM to process such personal data in order to fulfill the primary and necessary purposes indicated herein.

Primary purposes

ITESM can process your personal data to fulfill the following primary and necessary purpose(s):

  • To verify your identity.
  • To identify and register you as a user on our service and follow-up platform.
  • To deal with, process and follow up on your service and information requests, comments and suggestions.

We should also like to inform you that you cannot request ITESM to cease from processing your data for the aforementioned primary and necessary purposes, since such processing is necessary to fulfill the obligations derived from the relationship between you and ITESM.

Secondary purposes

In addition, ITESM will use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary for the requested service, but will enable us to offer you the best possible attention:

  • For possible subsequent contact.
  • To send you promotional information on extracurricular courses, diploma courses, seminars, symposiums and workshops, and events.
  • To administer surveys and evaluations to improve the quality of the products and services we offer.
  • To send you publicity and communications for marketing, telemarketing or financial campaign purposes.

If you wish to restrict or suppress the processing of your personal data for any or all of the additional purposes, please contact us immediately by email at the following address, indicating in the body of the message your full name, your relationship with the Institute and which piece of information you do not want us to process and for which secondary purpose. Refusal to permit the use of your personal information for additional purposes will not constitute a reason to deny you the services requested or to terminate the relationship established with us.


In order to fulfill the aforementioned necessary purposes or any others required by law or the competent authorities, ITESM will transfer the necessary data only in the cases provided by law and for which consent is not required.

ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent

You or your legal representative can exercise any of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter “ARCO rights”), and revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by following the procedures, requirements and deadlines for the exercise of your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent as indicated on our website

Limitation and/or Disclosure of your Data

You can limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by sending a request by email to, indicating in the body of the message your full name, your relationship with the Institute and which piece of information you do not want us to disclose. If your request is valid, you will be added to ITESM’s exclusion.

Use of cookies

We use cookies and other technologies on some of our webpages, which allows us to monitor your behavior as an Internet user and to provide you with a better service and experience on browsing our site. The personal data that can be obtained through the use of these technologies are: Identifiers, session usernames and passwords, region where you are located, type of browser, type of operating system, date and time of starting and finishing a session, webpages visited, searches completed and advertising reviewed. These technologies can be disabled by following the procedures of the internet browser you are using.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

ITESM will notify you of any changes to its privacy policy through the link, where you can access the privacy notice.

Last update: 08/05/2017