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Vista Aérea Campus Monterrey

President’s Office

David Garza

President’s Office

Tec is tantamount to resilience, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship thanks to its people who have made it possible.

July 2020

It thrills me to see young people full of enthusiasm to keep preparing themselves to build a better future.

July, 2017

Universities that make the greatest impact are those committed to training, research and their connection with society.

May 2021
Profile David Garza

David Garza is President of Tecnológico de Monterrey Education Group since July 2020, a Mexican university system composed by three Institutions: Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec), Universidad Tecmilenio and Academic Medical Center TecSalud, whose shared purpose is to transform the lives of persons and communities through education.

Tecnológico de Monterrey is a university of excellence centered on innovation, that drives a community to imagine, to do research, to be entrepreneurs, to build and lead solutions that transform reality, with presence in 32 cities of Mexico, over 58,000 university-level students, as well as 29,000 senior high school students.

Tecmilenio educates individuals with a clear life purpose and the competencies to fulfill it, has 42 campuses around Mexico, more than 64,000 students in formal programs and over 57,000 in continuing education programs; and TecSalud provides effective solutions to complex health challenges, driven by-cutting-edge education, research, and excellence in clinical care.has two academic medical centers and more than 100,000 patients encounters annually.

Dr. Garza has held academic and leadership positions at Tec for almost 40 years, including Rector at a national level, Rector at the Monterrey Campus, Director of the San Luis Potosí Campus, Dean of the School of Engineering and a professor in the research faculty in Computer Sciences. He has played a key role heading academic innovation initiatives at the university; he led the design and implementation of the Tec21 educational model in Tec´s 26 campuses and six schools.

He is the Chair of Universitas 21 (U21), a member of the Steering Committee of Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), the President's Council of University of the People, and the following groups of the World Economic Forum: University Leaders Community, Global Future Council on Human Capital Development, and The Edison Alliance for boosting global inclusion. He has been member of the Board of Trustees of the USA accreditor SACSCOC, and professional societies and organizations such as ASEE, IEEE, ACM, Sigma Xi, and Phi Kappa Phi. He is a past Chairman of the Global Engineering Deans Council.

He has been a speaker at events in over 20 countries. He is the author of multiple articles and has worked as a consultant on a variety of business projects.

Dr. Garza holds a B. Sc. in Computer Science from Tecnológico de Monterrey and a Ph.D. in the same field from Colorado State University.
