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Nuestra Historia, Tec de Monterrey, 80 aniversario

Nuestra historia


El Tecnológico de Monterrey fue fundado en 1943 gracias a la visión de don Eugenio Garza Sada y de un grupo de empresarios, quienes constituyeron una asociación civil denominada Enseñanza e Investigación Superior, A. C.

El Tec es una institución de carácter privado, sin fines de lucro, independiente y ajena a partidarismos políticos y religiosos.

La labor del Tec de Monterrey y de todos sus campus es apoyada por asociaciones civiles, integradas por un numeroso grupo de destacados líderes de todo el país comprometido con la calidad de la educación superior.

Cada año, los consejeros de estas asociaciones civiles se reúnen para establecer las metas que deben orientar las grandes decisiones, dirigidas a que el Tecnológico de Monterrey cumpla con su objetivo de convertirse en motor de desarrollo de las comunidades y del país.

El Tec de Monterrey cuenta con el apoyo de la comunidad nacional, que participa en los sorteos que la propia institución organiza para ampliar el programa de becas y la inversión en infraestructura.

Para su funcionamiento como institución educativa, el Tec de Monterrey goza del estatuto de Escuela Libre Universitaria.

A 80 años de la fundación del Tec de Monterrey, estos son algunos de los principales acontecimientos históricos que distinguen a nuestra Institución.

Evolución por décadas

Conoce la vida de Eugenio Garza Sada

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Conoce la vida de Eugenio Garza Sada
Laguna vista Tec de Monterrey

Laguna Venues

The Tecnológico de Monterrey in Torreón is a private, non-profit, independent university free of political and religious partisanship.

This campus has been constantly undergoing modifications and today it has different flexible spaces to hold and attend sporting events, cultural events, training events, among many others that can be carried out here.

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La Rosita, Amp la Rosita, 27258 Torreón, Coah., México

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Laguna vista Tec de Monterrey

Venues Laguna

El Tecnológico de Monterrey en Torreón es una universidad de carácter privado, sin fines de lucro, independiente y ajena a partidarismos políticos y religiosos.

Este campus ha estado en modificaciones constantemente y hoy cuenta con diferentes espacios flexibles para realizar y asistir a eventos deportivos, culturales, capacitaciones entre muchos otros que se pueden llevar a cabo aquí.

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La Rosita, Amp la Rosita, 27258 Torreón, Coah., México

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Actívate por tu salud

¡Dale un impulso a tu salud y beneficia a los líderes del mañana!

¿Qué es?

Inicia el año creando un hábito saludable durante 21 días estableciendo tus propios objetivos de actividad física en la disciplina que prefieras (correr, hacer bicicleta, yoga, cardio, etc.). Es un reto para hacer lo que más te gusta, con tus propias metas y en donde quieras.

Cada semana se otorgaran los siguiente 3 reconocimientos:

  • 1 gift card Amazon con valor de $2,000 MXN
  • 2 gift cards Amazon con valor de $1,000 MXN cada una.

Del 15 de enero al 4 de febrero del 2023, actívate, únete y apoya a un líder del mañana en este reto por objetivos de actividad física al que te invitan las agrupaciones EXATEC en México y el extranjero. Tu participación se traduce en una aportación económica para la Beca EXATEC por los Líderes del Mañana, y además representa la oportunidad de conocer a otros EXATEC, a sus familias y amigos.

Te invitamos a aprovechar esta oportunidad para apoyar tus propósitos de inicio de año.

Ingresa a hacer tu donativo (antes del 26 de diciembre de $300.00 MXN y posterior esta fecha por $350.00 mxn)  considerando lo siguiente: 

Una vez realizado el donativo, te llegará por correo el comprobante de donativo.

--> El registro se realiza de manera individual por cada participante.  No se aceptarán registros grupales.

Envía tu comprobante de donativo a la cuenta de correo

Una vez que recibamos tu comprobante  te enviaremos un correo de bienvenida que incluirá las indicaciones para completar tu registro e iniciar el reto.
Te recomendamos revisar todas las bandejas de entrada incluida la de spam.

Te invitamos a compartir vivencia, actividades, fotos, etc.  en redes sociales así como guardar las evidencias de tus actividades deportivas.semanales que te serán solicitadas en caso de ser ganador de un reconocimiento de participación.


A. El evento tiene una duración de tres semanas (del 15 de enero al 4 de febrero de 2024).

B. Podrá inscribirse cualquier persona mayor de edad, sea o no EXATEC.

C. Para poder considerarte como participante, deberás cumplir tres requisitos:

Hacer tu donativo,

Reenviar el comprobante de donativo que recibiste, al correo a 

Completar tu registro: una vez que recibamos tu comprobante de donativo, te enviaremos un correo con la información del reto y el formulario donde establecerás tus propias metas.

D. Este evento comienza y termina en función de la zona horaria de cada participante.

E. En virtud de que este evento es de participación independiente, por sus características no lo cubre ninguna póliza de seguro, de manera que la participación corre bajo riesgo y responsabilidad de los participantes que se inscriban.

A. Ingresa a hacer tu donativo desde (antes del 26 de diciembre de $300.00 MXN y posterior esta fecha por $350.00 mxn) considerando lo siguiente: 

Una vez realizado el donativo, te llegará por correo el comprobante de donativo.

B. Envía tu comprobante al correo

C.  Una vez que recibamos tu comprobante, te enviaremos un correo de bienvenida que incluirá las indicciones para iniciar el reto.

D. Te invitamos a compartir tu vivencia, actividades, fotos, etc en redes sociales.

A. Durante el evento (del 15 de enero al 4 de febrero de 2024), deberás establecer un objetivo semanal de actividad física a lograr.

B. Podrás definir cada objetivo por tiempo, distancia, días activos o número de actividades.

C. Podrás elegir entre diferentes actividades: bicicleta, bicicleta eléctrica, caminata, carrera, crossfit, elíptica, entrenamiento con pesas, escalada, escaleras, handbike, natación, senderismo, yoga o incluso baile u otro, asegurate de tomar las evidencias de actividad.

D. La actividad elegida será la misma para las tres semanas, pero el objetivo puede ser diferente para cada semana.

En el formulario de registro, verás tres casillas para registrar tus objetivos semanales.

E. Registra tus objetivos indicando actividad y tiempo o duración. Por ejemplo: 

Correr tres días || correr 30 kilómetros a la semana || correr cuarenta minutos cada que salga.
Nadar tres días || nadar treinta minutos por sesión.
Hacer cuatro días de yoga || hacer cuarenta minutos de yoga por sesión || hacer cincuenta minutos de yoga a la semana.

F. Toma evidencia de tu actividad diaria ya que en caso de ser seleccionado para recibir un agradecimiento de participación, se te pedirán las evidencias. Puedes usar el mecanismo o plataforma de tu conveniencia, lo importante es contar con la evidencia de tu actividad.

A. Los objetivos se considerarán como “conseguidos” según las actividades que se registren de lunes a domingo de la semana correspondiente.

B. Puedes hacer tantas sesiones al día como quieras, pero recuerda que solo se tomarán en cuenta aquellas cuya actividad corresponda con la que hayas definido en el formulario de inscripción. Ejemplo: si en tu inscripción dijiste que harías actividades de "ciclismo", pero durante la semana registras actividades de "correr" y de "natación" además de "ciclismo", solo se contabilizarán las de ciclismo para el reto.

C. El Comité será el encargado de validar que el participante sorteado semanalmente cumple sus objetivos marcados de acuerdo a las evidencias que el participante almacene.

D. Confiamos en la honestidad y buena fé de los participantes, y asumimos que toda actividad registrada en la evidencia se realizó de verdad.

¿Qué es el reto Actívate por tu Salud?

Actívate por tu Salud es un reto de activación física con causa, con una duración de cuatro semanas (del 15 de enero al 4 de febrero 2024). Para cada una, deberás establecer un objetivo de actividad física a lograr. Podrás definir cada objetivo por tiempo, distancia, días activos o número de actividades por día o semana.

Podrás elegir entre diferentes actividades: bicicleta, bicicleta eléctrica, caminata, carrera, crossfit, elíptica, entrenamiento con pesas, escalada, escaleras, handbike, natación, senderismo, yoga o incluso baile o alguna actividad física (indícalo como “entrenamiento”/“workout” en el registro y luego elige esa opción en Strava cuando la realices).

¿Qué causa apoya?

Actívate por tu Salud beneficia a la Beca EXATEC por Líderes del Mañana, iniciativa generada por las agrupaciones EXATEC con la finalidad de poner su granito de arena en favor de la transformación social de México.

Líderes del Mañana es un programa de movilidad social para apoyar a jóvenes talentosos y sensibles que impactan positivamente a la comunidad y que requieren ayuda financiera del 100% para estudiar una carrera profesional en el Tec de Monterrey. Te invitamos a conocer un poco más del programa:

Dejando huella


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A. Cada semana al azar se seleccionará a un participante, con quien nos pondremos en contacto vía correo electrónico para solicitarle sus evidencias; si cumple con su objetivo semanal, se entregará el regalo de agradecimiento y participación.


  • 1 gift card Amazon con valor de $2,000 MXN
  • 2 gift cards Amazon con valor de $1,000 MXN cada una

En caso de residir fuera de México, el regalo será por el monto equivalente acorde al tipo de cambio que Amazon maneje para el país donde radique.

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B. La agrupación que más invitados acumule en el reto, contará con un premio adicional, el cual será asignado de forma aleatoria entre los participantes inscritos que validen su participación con sus evidencias. Los agradecimientos serán:

  • 1 gift card Amazon con valor de $2,000 MXN
  • 2 gift cards Amazon con valor de $1,000 MXN cada una


En caso de residir fuera de México, el regalo será por el monto equivalente acorde al tipo de cambio que Amazon maneje para el país donde radique.

¿Qué es el reto Actívate por tu Salud?

Actívate por tu Salud es un reto de activación física con causa, con una duración de cuatro semanas (del 15 de enero al 4 de febrero de 2023). Para cada una, deberás establecer un objetivo de actividad física a lograr. Podrás definir cada objetivo por tiempo, distancia, días activos o número de actividades por día o semana.

Podrás elegir entre diferentes actividades: bicicleta, bicicleta eléctrica, caminata, carrera, crossfit, elíptica, entrenamiento con pesas, escalada, escaleras, handbike, natación, senderismo, yoga o incluso baile o alguna actividad física.

¿Qué causa apoya?

Actívate por tu Salud beneficia a la Beca EXATEC por Líderes del Mañana, iniciativa generada por las agrupaciones EXATEC con la finalidad de poner su granito de arena en favor de la transformación social de México.

Líderes del Mañana es un programa de movilidad social para apoyar a jóvenes talentosos y sensibles que impactan positivamente a la comunidad y que requieren ayuda financiera del 100% para estudiar una carrera profesional en el Tec de Monterrey. Te invitamos a conocer un poco más del programa: Líderes del mañana

¿Qué recibo al finalizar el reto?

Al finalizar el reto, además de haber confirmado o generado un nuevo hábito, tendrás la posibilidad de ser acreedor a alguno de los agradecimientos que se sortearán.

Aún tengo dudas, ¿a quién puedo contactar?

Puedes contactarnos a través de la dirección de correo electrónico y en un tiempo máximo de cuarenta y ocho horas te daremos respuesta.

¿Con qué actividades puedo participar?

Puedes participar eligiendo uno de los siguientes deportes:

Bicicleta: ya sea fija, rodillo o normal, en carretera o montaña Entrenamiento con pesas
Bicicleta eléctrica Escalada
Caminata Escaleras
Carrera: en exterior o cinta de correr Handbike
Crossfit Natación
Elíptica Senderismo


Entrenamiento ("workout"): incluye todas las actividades que no veas en el resto de opciones, por ejemplo HIT, "spinning", tenis, padel, etc.

¿Puedo inscribirme con más de una actividad?

No. Deberás elegir la actividad con la que quieres participar en el reto durante las cuatro semanas. Puedes hacer tantos tipos de actividad como quieras, pero solo se tomarán en cuenta aquellas que correspondan con el que hayas definido en el formulario de inscripción.

¿Cómo se dará seguimiento a los objetivos?

El Comité EXATEC por Líderes del Mañana será el encargado de validar que los participantes cuyos nombres hayan salido beneficiados en los sorteos semanales, entreguen sus evidencias y que éstas coincidan con los objetivos que el participante indicó en el formulario de registro.

¿Cómo me inscribo?

Para registrarte, realiza los siguientes pasos:

1. Ingresa a hacer tu donativo desde $300 MXN antes del 26 de diciembre, posterior a esta fecha $350.00MXN, considerando lo siguiente:

Una vez realizado el donativo, te llegará por correo el comprobante de donativo.

2. Envía tu comprobante al correo

3. Una vez que recibamos tu comprobante, te enviaremos un correo de bienvenida que incluirá las indicciones para iniciar el reto.

¿Es un evento exclusivo para EXATEC?

No. ¡Todas y todos somos bienvenidos!

¿Cuál es la aportación sugerida?

Al ser un evento con causa, te pedimos realizar una aportación sugerida desde $300.00 MXN antes del 26 de diciembre, posterior a esta fecha de $350.00 MXN  en el link que encontrarás al final del formulario de inscripción.

Recuerda enviar el comprobante respondiendo al correo de confirmación de tu registro.


 Comité EXATEC por los Líderes del Mañana |

Steven Popper

Steven Popper

Steven Popper

Distinguished University Professor in Decision Sciences

School of Social Sciences and Government


Strategy under uncertainty
Foresight methodology
Computer-assisted reasoning
Robust Decision Making (RDM)
Science, technology, and innovation policy
Economic development
Emerging technologies
Innovation adaptation
Defense and security

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Dr. Steven Popper is a professor of Science and Technology Policy at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, where he teaches courses such as Complex Adaptive Systems and Policy Analysis; Participatory Foresight for Democratic Governance and Social Change; Technology Foresight and Policy Analysis; and Robust Decision Making.

For more than 37 years, he was a senior economist at RAND Corporation in the United States, a nonprofit institution that develops innovative solutions to public policy challenges and decision-making problems.

Steven Popper served as associate director of the Science and Technology Policy Institute, where he directed studies on critical technology issues for the White House (1996-2001) and also served as chair of the Industrial Science and Technology section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In addition, he has also served on several advisory boards including the Ohio State University Battelle Center for Science, Engineering, and Public Policy and has been a consultant to the World Bank and the OECD.

His areas of research experience include strategy, planning and decision-making under deep uncertainty; energy and transportation planning; national science and technology policy; technology-based regional economic development; comparative strategies for managing technological change; economic system transitions; international security and defense; defense industrial bases; and strategic competition.

He was co-founder and chief operating officer at Evolving Logic Inc., a company that created the revolutionary Computer Assisted Reasoning system (CARs) and a methodology called RAP™ (Robust Adaptive Planning), which addresses complex decision-making. He was the founding chair for education and training of the Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) and is currently the Society’s chair for finance.

He also served on several academic and international boards such as the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research, the Israel Innovation Institute, and the U.S. National Research Council, among others.

He is a frequently invited keynote speaker and lecturer. Recent presentations include those to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the U.K. Ministry of Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, and the P.R.C. Ministry of Science and Technology on topics such as foresight, transformational recovery, and the quantitative and qualitative application of Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty concepts, to name some.

Steven Popper has co-authored more than 35 peer-reviewed books and monographs and more than 20 papers and articles on topics ranging from game-changing technologies, future and foresight studies, and socioeconomic analysis, to security, innovation, risk management, government policy-related issues, Robust Decision Making, and Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty, among others.

One of his publications, Shaping the Next One Hundred Years: New Methods for Quantitative, Long-Term Policy Analysis (2003, RAND MR-1626), for which he was co-principal investigator along with Robert J. Lempert and Steven C. Bankes, provides a methodological framework for decision-making under deep uncertainty that has been applied to several policy-related issues as Robust Decision Making.

He has been recognized with several awards such as the RAND Innovation Spotlight Award for the Exploratory Policy Analysis Tool (ExPAT, 2022) and being named a Harold and Colene Brown Faculty Fellow by the Pardee RAND Graduate School (2016). He was also the recipient of the RAND Bronze Metal Award (2014), the RAND Silver Metal Award (2008), and elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005).

Steven Popper joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished University Professor in Decision Sciences for the School of Social Sciences and Government.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.Sc., Biochemistry, University of Minnesota
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  • Systematic Method for Prioritizing Investments in Game-Changing Technologies: The Evaluation and Comparison Process Framework, with Richard Silberglitt, Cynthia R. Cook, Lisa Pelled Colabella, Paul Dreyer, Eric Hastings, Alexander C. Hou, Alexis Levedahl, Edward Parker, Scott Savitz, and Li Ang Zhang, RAND Corporation, RR-A632-1, 2022.

  • Use of Predictive Analytic Tools to Assess Technological Emergences and Acquisition Targets, with Richard Silberglitt, Anna Jean Wirth, Christopher A. Eusebi, Inez Khan, Jasmin Léveillé. RAND Corporation, RR-A539-2, 2022

  • Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice, with Vincent A. W. J. Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Pieter J. T. M. Bloemen (eds.), Springer International Publishing (10.1007/978-3-030-05252-2), 2019.

  • “Designing a Robust Decision–Based National Security Policy Process: Strategic Choices for Uncertain Times”, in Frank, A.B. and E.M. Bartels (eds.), Adaptive Engagement for Undergoverned Spaces: Concepts, Challenges, and Prospects for New Approaches, 2022.

  • “Forecasts and decisions: A commentary on Lustick and Tetlock”, with Robert J. Lempert, Paul K. Davis, Tim McDonald, in Futures and Foresight Science 3 (2), June 2021. <>

  • China's Propensity for Innovation in the 21st Century: Identifying Indicators of Future Outcomes, with Marjory S. Blumenthal, Eugeniu Han, Sale Lilly, Lyle J. Morris, Caroline S. Wagner, Christopher A. Eusebi, Brian G. Carlson, and Alice Shih, RAND Corporation, RR-A208-1, 2020.

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Steven Popper

Steven Popper

Steven Popper

Profesor Universitario Distinguido en Ciencias de la Decisión

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno


Estrategia en la incertidumbre
Metodología de prospectiva
Razonamiento asistido por ordenador
Toma de decisiones robusta (RDM por sus siglas en inglés)
Política científica, tecnológica y de innovación
Desarrollo económico
Tecnologías emergentes
Adaptación de la innovación
Defensa y seguridad

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Dr. Steven Popper is a professor of Science and Technology Policy at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, where he teaches courses such as Complex Adaptive Systems and Policy Analysis; Participatory Foresight for Democratic Governance and Social Change; Technology Foresight and Policy Analysis; and Robust Decision Making.

For more than 37 years, he was a senior economist at RAND Corporation in the United States, a nonprofit institution that develops innovative solutions to public policy challenges and decision-making problems.

Steven Popper served as associate director of the Science and Technology Policy Institute, where he directed studies on critical technology issues for the White House (1996-2001) and also served as chair of the Industrial Science and Technology section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In addition, he has also served on several advisory boards including the Ohio State University Battelle Center for Science, Engineering, and Public Policy and has been a consultant to the World Bank and the OECD.

His areas of research experience include strategy, planning and decision-making under deep uncertainty; energy and transportation planning; national science and technology policy; technology-based regional economic development; comparative strategies for managing technological change; economic system transitions; international security and defense; defense industrial bases; and strategic competition.

He was co-founder and chief operating officer at Evolving Logic Inc., a company that created the revolutionary Computer Assisted Reasoning system (CARs) and a methodology called RAP™ (Robust Adaptive Planning), which addresses complex decision-making. He was the founding chair for education and training of the Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) and is currently the Society’s chair for finance.

He also served on several academic and international boards such as the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research, the Israel Innovation Institute, and the U.S. National Research Council, among others.

He is a frequently invited keynote speaker and lecturer. Recent presentations include those to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the U.K. Ministry of Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, and the P.R.C. Ministry of Science and Technology on topics such as foresight, transformational recovery, and the quantitative and qualitative application of Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty concepts, to name some.

Steven Popper has co-authored more than 35 peer-reviewed books and monographs and more than 20 papers and articles on topics ranging from game-changing technologies, future and foresight studies, and socioeconomic analysis, to security, innovation, risk management, government policy-related issues, Robust Decision Making, and Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty, among others.

One of his publications, Shaping the Next One Hundred Years: New Methods for Quantitative, Long-Term Policy Analysis (2003, RAND MR-1626), for which he was co-principal investigator along with Robert J. Lempert and Steven C. Bankes, provides a methodological framework for decision-making under deep uncertainty that has been applied to several policy-related issues as Robust Decision Making.

He has been recognized with several awards such as the RAND Innovation Spotlight Award for the Exploratory Policy Analysis Tool (ExPAT, 2022) and being named a Harold and Colene Brown Faculty Fellow by the Pardee RAND Graduate School (2016). He was also the recipient of the RAND Bronze Metal Award (2014), the RAND Silver Metal Award (2008), and elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2005).

Steven Popper joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished University Professor in Decision Sciences for the School of Social Sciences and Government.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.Sc., Biochemistry, University of Minnesota
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  • Systematic Method for Prioritizing Investments in Game-Changing Technologies: The Evaluation and Comparison Process Framework, with Richard Silberglitt, Cynthia R. Cook, Lisa Pelled Colabella, Paul Dreyer, Eric Hastings, Alexander C. Hou, Alexis Levedahl, Edward Parker, Scott Savitz, and Li Ang Zhang, RAND Corporation, RR-A632-1, 2022.

  • Use of Predictive Analytic Tools to Assess Technological Emergences and Acquisition Targets, with Richard Silberglitt, Anna Jean Wirth, Christopher A. Eusebi, Inez Khan, Jasmin Léveillé. RAND Corporation, RR-A539-2, 2022

  • Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty: From Theory to Practice, with Vincent A. W. J. Marchau, Warren E. Walker, Pieter J. T. M. Bloemen (eds.), Springer International Publishing (10.1007/978-3-030-05252-2), 2019.

  • “Designing a Robust Decision–Based National Security Policy Process: Strategic Choices for Uncertain Times”, in Frank, A.B. and E.M. Bartels (eds.), Adaptive Engagement for Undergoverned Spaces: Concepts, Challenges, and Prospects for New Approaches, 2022.

  • “Forecasts and decisions: A commentary on Lustick and Tetlock”, with Robert J. Lempert, Paul K. Davis, Tim McDonald, in Futures and Foresight Science 3 (2), June 2021. <>

  • China's Propensity for Innovation in the 21st Century: Identifying Indicators of Future Outcomes, with Marjory S. Blumenthal, Eugeniu Han, Sale Lilly, Lyle J. Morris, Caroline S. Wagner, Christopher A. Eusebi, Brian G. Carlson, and Alice Shih, RAND Corporation, RR-A208-1, 2020.

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Venues Morelia

Morelia Venues

The Morelia campus opened its doors in 2002, being a benchmark for education in the state of Michoacan.

This campus offers different venues to hold various types of events, adapting to your needs.

If you require more information, write to us and we will respond.

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Av Montaña Monarca 1340, 58350 Morelia, Mich., México

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Venues Morelia

Venues Morelia

El campus Morelia abre sus puertas en el año 2002 siendo un referente de educación en el estado michoacano.

Este campus ofrece diferentes venues para realizar diversos tipos de eventos adaptándonos a las necesidades con las que cuentes.

Si requieres de más información escríbenos y te daremos respuesta.

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Av Montaña Monarca 1340, 58350 Morelia, Mich., México

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Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Distinguished Professor in Systemic Design

School of Architecture, Art and Design


Social and design research
Service and systemic design
Cognitive psychology
Organizational and innovation strategy

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Dr. Peter Jones is an associate professor in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University (OCAD U), in Toronto, Canada, in the Master of Design graduate programs. He teaches systemic and service design and mixed methods research for healthcare, information services, policy, and governance. 

He is the founder of Redesign Network, a renowned innovation research consultancy with a focus on professional practices and policy platforms; co-founder and academic director of the Flourishing Enterprise Institute, a research group that develops and teaches systemic management innovations for sustainability governance, urban planning, and complex public policy; and co-founder and board member of the Systemic Design Association (SDA) and its RSD (Relating Systems Thinking and Design) Symposium, which have become leading research networks in design for complexity.

His design experience ranges from user experience and evaluation to complete online platforms for leading information providers in the commercial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. He has also led society-driven initiatives to make a change through design. For example, he was co-founder and board member of Regenerate Toronto, where he created the “Drawdown” program (2019-2022) for community education and systemic action on climate change.

Peter Jones’ research provides the basis to advise organizations in systems leadership and transformational change. His research agenda is largely focused on the theory and application of systemic design in highly complex domains such as healthcare and public sector management.

He is a leading scholar in dialogic design and collaborative foresight for addressing complex future challenges. He is also known for his work in soft services design for communities and health; collaborative foresight for complex challenges; flourishing cultures and economies (eco-social, strongly sustainable); and organizational learning and innovation, among other areas.

Since 2008, Peter Jones has been granted funding for several projects about systemic design in healthcare, decision-making in municipal planning, and futures and foresight, mainly in Canada.

He has been a regular speaker at international scholarly and professional conferences and workshops about topics involving systemic change, design, system design and research methods focused on education, healthcare, and society, in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, Canada, the United States, India, and China, to name some.

He is editor-in-chief of the new SDA journal Contexts: The Systemic Design Journal, widely published in this field. He is also a reviewer for She Ji, Systems, Form Akademisk, Organization and Environment, Information, and other journals.

Additionally, he is also the RSD Proceedings editor-in-chief, where he has organized regular special issue collections curated from the RSD Symposium series, and section editor for chapters submitted to the Systemic Design section of the Springer: Handbook of Systems Sciences.

Peter Jones has written four books about design and innovation, the most recent ones being Design Journeys through Complex Systems (BIS Publishers, 2022) and Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience (Rosenfeld Media, 2013).

He is recognized for his contributions to systemic design, like the creation of new systemic methodologies such as the Systemic Design Toolkit, Systemic Theories of Change, and the Flourishing Business Canvas.

Peter Jones joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Systemic Design for the School of Architecture, Art and Design.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., lnterdisciplinary Studies, Design and lnnovation Management, Union lnstitute.
  • M.A., Experimental Psychology, Human Factors, University of Dayton.
  • B.A., Psychology, Wright State University.
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  • Jones, Peter & Arun Kumar, Pranay. (2023). Formative Interventions for Healthcare Sustainability: A Developmental Design Agenda. 10.1007/978-3-031-20168-4_11. 

  • Jones, P.H. and Van Ael, K. (2022). Design Journeys through Complex Systems. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

  • Jones, P. & Barbero, s. (2022). The multi-order complexity of transdisciplinary communication. Contexts, 1.

  • Waddock, S., Waddell, S., Jones, P. H., & Kendrick, I. (2022). Convening Transformation Systems to Achieve System Transformation. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2(1), 77-100.

  • Murphy, R.J. & Jones, P. (2021). Towards systemic theories of change: High-leverage strategies for managing wicked problems. Design Management Journal, 16(1), 49-65.

More publications

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Peter Jones

Profesor Distinguido en Diseño Sistémico

Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño


Investigación social y diseño
Diseño sistémico y de servicios
Psicología cognitiva
Estrategia organizacional y de innovación

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Dr. Peter Jones is an associate professor in the Faculty of Design at OCAD University (OCAD U), in Toronto, Canada, in the Master of Design graduate programs. He teaches systemic and service design and mixed methods research for healthcare, information services, policy, and governance. 

He is the founder of Redesign Network, a renowned innovation research consultancy with a focus on professional practices and policy platforms; co-founder and academic director of the Flourishing Enterprise Institute, a research group that develops and teaches systemic management innovations for sustainability governance, urban planning, and complex public policy; and co-founder and board member of the Systemic Design Association (SDA) and its RSD (Relating Systems Thinking and Design) Symposium, which have become leading research networks in design for complexity.

His design experience ranges from user experience and evaluation to complete online platforms for leading information providers in the commercial, government, non-profit, and academic sectors. He has also led society-driven initiatives to make a change through design. For example, he was co-founder and board member of Regenerate Toronto, where he created the “Drawdown” program (2019-2022) for community education and systemic action on climate change.

Peter Jones’ research provides the basis to advise organizations in systems leadership and transformational change. His research agenda is largely focused on the theory and application of systemic design in highly complex domains such as healthcare and public sector management.

He is a leading scholar in dialogic design and collaborative foresight for addressing complex future challenges. He is also known for his work in soft services design for communities and health; collaborative foresight for complex challenges; flourishing cultures and economies (eco-social, strongly sustainable); and organizational learning and innovation, among other areas.

Since 2008, Peter Jones has been granted funding for several projects about systemic design in healthcare, decision-making in municipal planning, and futures and foresight, mainly in Canada.

He has been a regular speaker at international scholarly and professional conferences and workshops about topics involving systemic change, design, system design and research methods focused on education, healthcare, and society, in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, Canada, the United States, India, and China, to name some.

He is editor-in-chief of the new SDA journal Contexts: The Systemic Design Journal, widely published in this field. He is also a reviewer for She Ji, Systems, Form Akademisk, Organization and Environment, Information, and other journals.

Additionally, he is also the RSD Proceedings editor-in-chief, where he has organized regular special issue collections curated from the RSD Symposium series, and section editor for chapters submitted to the Systemic Design section of the Springer: Handbook of Systems Sciences.

Peter Jones has written four books about design and innovation, the most recent ones being Design Journeys through Complex Systems (BIS Publishers, 2022) and Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience (Rosenfeld Media, 2013).

He is recognized for his contributions to systemic design, like the creation of new systemic methodologies such as the Systemic Design Toolkit, Systemic Theories of Change, and the Flourishing Business Canvas.

Peter Jones joined Tecnológico de Monterrey as Distinguished Professor in Systemic Design for the School of Architecture, Art and Design.

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Education and Training

  • Ph.D., lnterdisciplinary Studies, Design and lnnovation Management, Union lnstitute.
  • M.A., Experimental Psychology, Human Factors, University of Dayton.
  • B.A., Psychology, Wright State University.
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  • Jones, Peter & Arun Kumar, Pranay. (2023). Formative Interventions for Healthcare Sustainability: A Developmental Design Agenda. 10.1007/978-3-031-20168-4_11. 

  • Jones, P.H. and Van Ael, K. (2022). Design Journeys through Complex Systems. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

  • Jones, P. & Barbero, s. (2022). The multi-order complexity of transdisciplinary communication. Contexts, 1.

  • Waddock, S., Waddell, S., Jones, P. H., & Kendrick, I. (2022). Convening Transformation Systems to Achieve System Transformation. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2(1), 77-100.

  • Murphy, R.J. & Jones, P. (2021). Towards systemic theories of change: High-leverage strategies for managing wicked problems. Design Management Journal, 16(1), 49-65.

More publications