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Avisos de Privacidad Especiales

  1. Aviso de Privacidad Mentores voluntarios del Programa Apoyando Tec
  2. Aviso de Privacidad Programa Apoyando Tec-Participantes
  3. Aviso de Privacidad Webinar: El Acceso a la Justicia en tiempos de pandemias
  4. Aviso de Privacidad Feria Virtual de Empleo
  5. Aviso de Privacidad LiveOnLine
  6. Aviso de Privacidad - Outliers
  7. Aviso de Privacidad Premio a la Investigación e Innovación Rómulo Garza
  8. Aviso de Privacidad Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo
  9. Aviso de Privacidad ETHOS
  10. Aviso de Privacidad Think Tank Financiero
  11. Aviso de Privacidad Alternative Learning
  12. Aviso de Privacidad Encuesta Programación HyFlex+ Tec
  13. Aviso de Privacidad Por Siempre Prep@net
  14. Aviso de Privacidad Tec Media
  15. Aviso de Privacidad Participantes Programa Embajadores
  16. Aviso de Privacidad INCqro presented by Nuqleo
  17. Aviso de Privacidad Mentefactura 2020
  18. Aviso de Privacidad Mentores de Emprendimiento
  19. Aviso de Privacidad Instituto de Emprendimiento
  20. Aviso de Privacidad Programa de Voluntariado
  21. Aviso de Privacidad XHTEC 94.9
  22. Aviso de Privacidad Fondo Novus Tec
  23. Aviso de Privacidad Programa integral de rehabilitación pulmonar post infección por Covid-19
  24. Aviso de Privacidad Identidad Profesional Triada
  25. Aviso de Privacidad para Plan de Retiro
  26. Aviso de Privacidad UGO
  27. Aviso de Privacidad Venues
  28. Aviso de Privacidad Observatorio de Innovación Educativa
  29. Aviso de Privacidad Premio Mujer Tec
  30. Aviso de Privacidad Plataforma MPS TEC
  31. Aviso de Privacidad Plataforma Science Connexion
  32. Aviso de Privacidad Fair Center for Financial Access, Inclusion and Research
  33. Aviso de Privacidad Expedition District
  34. Aviso de Privacidad para Estudios de Mercado
  35. Aviso de Privacidad Programa SOYTUTOR
  36. Aviso de Privacidad Programa Kid´s Club
  37. Aviso de Privacidad de eventos deportivos y culturales
  38. Aviso de Privacidad SEL4C
  39. Aviso de Privacidad Centro Virtual de Aprendizaje
  40. Plataforma de Retos de Innovación Abierta (The Next Decade)
  41. Aviso de Privacidad Research for Challenges
  42. Aviso de Privacidad Campamentos y Clubs Tec
  43. Aviso de Privacidad Liderly
  44. Aviso de Privacidad Talent Tank

Integrity and Compliance

Integrity and Compliance - Tecnológico de Monterrey
Integrity and Compliance

Our Purpose

At Tecnológico de Monterrey, one of the guiding principles that drive us is “commitment to ethics and values”. For this reason, we promote ethical behavior throughout our entire community, aiming to conduct ourselves with integrity, honesty, and respect for human dignity, as well as justice, freedom, equality, responsibility, and compliance in all our actions and decisions, thus contributing to the flourishing of our entire community.

Therefore, from the Vice Presidency of Integrity and Compliance, our objective is:

“To ensure our community an experience in reliable, safe, and resilient Tec contributes to its flourishing”.

360° Integrity

As an Institution, we aim to ensure the ethical management of our institutions is based on respect for human dignity, integrity, and the experience of our values, to create a learning and working environment that lays the foundations for human flourishing, social commitment, and sustainability.

The 360° integrity unfolds in two dimensions: academic and institutional, both guided by an ethical and normative framework that serves as a reference for both.

  • Institutional Integrity
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity 
(Students and Faculty)


Integrity Ecosystem
(Management Processes and Reporting)


Integrity 360°


Ethical Alignment of Third Parties
(Suppliers, Partners, etc.)


Integrity and Ethics in our Institutions
(Integrity Training)

Integridad y cumplimiento

Integridad y cumplimiento Tec de Monterrey
Integridad y cumplimiento

Our Purpose

At Tecnológico de Monterrey, one of the guiding principles that drive us is “commitment to ethics and values”. For this reason, we promote ethical behavior throughout our entire community, aiming to conduct ourselves with integrity, honesty, and respect for human dignity, as well as justice, freedom, equality, responsibility, and compliance in all our actions and decisions, thus contributing to the flourishing of our entire community.

Therefore, from the Vice Presidency of Integrity and Compliance, our objective is:

“To ensure our community an experience in reliable, safe, and resilient Tec contributes to its flourishing”.

360° Integrity

As an Institution, we aim to ensure the ethical management of our institutions is based on respect for human dignity, integrity, and the experience of our values, to create a learning and working environment that lays the foundations for human flourishing, social commitment, and sustainability.

The 360° integrity unfolds in two dimensions: academic and institutional, both guided by an ethical and normative framework that serves as a reference for both.

  • Institutional Integrity
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity 
(Students and Faculty)


Integrity Ecosystem
(Management Processes and Reporting)


Integrity 360°


Ethical Alignment of Third Parties
(Suppliers, Partners, etc.)


Integrity and Ethics in our Institutions
(Integrity Training)

80 Anniversary Tec de Monterrey

More about the institution

Banderas con logotipo y escudo institucional, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Assessment and Continuous Improvement

Strengthening and Developing Tecnológico de Monterrey

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Academic Quality Assurance

Over the last 25 years, Tecnológico de Monterrey's assurance of academic quality has revolved mainly around five axes: the adequate selection of candidates through admission processes and standards; the evaluation of learning in a standardized way, by the institution and external agencies and schools; follow-up of our graduates; institutional effectiveness evaluation through performance indicators; and obtaining and maintaining national and international accreditations, both at the institutional level and at the academic programs.

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Admission Standards

Tecnológico de Monterrey is looking for a new generation of students: talented and enthusiastic people, committed to the development of their environment and the wellness of society; people with potential to become leaders capable of innovating, undertake and also seek for personal development in all their dimensions. Our admission process aims to get to know you, for your academic performance and for everything that makes you extraordinary. In order for an objective and impartial evaluation of all candidates be conducted, our Admissions Committee will carefully review the information you share with us about who you are, what you are passionate about, and how you can contribute to our student community exclusively.

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Learning Evaluation

An essential component of academic quality is the evaluation of learning, as a tool to identify areas of opportunity both at the individual student level and at the academic programs. Also of the institution in general. As a reinforcement of the evaluation activities carried out by teachers in their courses, Tecnológico de Monterrey has promoted the use of standardized tests such as the Bachelor´s Degree General Assessment (EGEL in spanish), developed by the National Center for Higher Education Evaluation CSO (CENEVAL in spanish). Simultaneously, the institution has designed integrative evaluations for academic programs that have no external testing, with the purpose of measuring the level of knowledge and skills shown by students at the end of their undergraduate studies. Results obtained from external and internal tests are part of the academic quality indicators with which the performance of the Tecnológico de Monterrey campuses is evaluated each semester.

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Graduates' follow-up

Since 1989, Tecnológico de Monterrey has periodically and systematically measured its graduates´s performance and pathway. Graduate studies contribute to the evaluation and accomplishment of the institutional Mission and support the continuous improvement processes of study plans and academic support services. Additionally, Tecnológico de Monterrey periodically consults the companies that employ its graduates, to find out the perception of the work performance and training of the alumni. These results allow us to identify areas for improvement in the study plans and promote links with the country's productive sector. Graduate Follow-up studies are a key tool to evaluate the academic quality of Tecnológico de Monterrey because they focus on measuring the ultimate impact of educational work: the performance of graduates and their contribution to society.

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Institutional Effectiveness

In order to follow up on the strategies adopted to achieve the Tecnológico de Monterrey's Vission and Mission, the Institution developed a process to ensure the quality of the programs and projects derived from strategic planning. This process allows campuses performance evaluation through academic, financial and operational indicators. Following the precept that what is not measured cannot be improved, Tecnológico de Monterrey, through the process of evaluating institutional effectiveness, has generated the required information over 25 years to operate under the philosophy of improvement. keep going.

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Since its inception, Tec de Monterrey has recognized the importance of accreditations, give the fact that they involve the evaluation by external entities of compliance with high standards of academic quality, both at an international and national level. The fact that the determined commitment to the accreditation processes strengthens the national and international recognition of the Tecnológico de Monterrey t's undisputed.

Find out more >

Education Investment Plan

Tecnológico de Monterrey's Educational Investment Program is an alternative created for those who wish to ensure their children's education in advance, acquiring tuition certificates at current prices, for a future use at high school, undergraduate or continuous education levels at the Institution.

Icono 1

Safe Investment

A refundable, transferable and saleable investment, supported by Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Icono 2


Study expenses anticipation by acquiring certificates at current prices for future use.

Icono 3


By ensuring your daughter's / son's educational future.

Icono 4

Acquisition of Value

As tuition increases, the certificate tuition's value does too.

Icono 5


They can be purchased partially or completely, at the needed time.

Icono 6


You can use the tuition certificates at any Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus.

80 Aniversario Tec de Monterrey

Más sobre la institución

Banderas con logotipo y escudo institucional, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Evaluación y Mejora Continua

Fortalecimiento y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey

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Academic Quality Assurance

Over the last 25 years, Tecnológico de Monterrey's assurance of academic quality has revolved mainly around five axes: the adequate selection of candidates through admission processes and standards; the evaluation of learning in a standardized way, by the institution and external agencies and schools; follow-up of our graduates; institutional effectiveness evaluation through performance indicators; and obtaining and maintaining national and international accreditations, both at the institutional level and at the academic programs.

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Admission Standards

Tecnológico de Monterrey is looking for a new generation of students: talented and enthusiastic people, committed to the development of their environment and the wellness of society; people with potential to become leaders capable of innovating, undertake and also seek for personal development in all their dimensions. Our admission process aims to get to know you, for your academic performance and for everything that makes you extraordinary. In order for an objective and impartial evaluation of all candidates be conducted, our Admissions Committee will carefully review the information you share with us about who you are, what you are passionate about, and how you can contribute to our student community exclusively.

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Learning Evaluation

An essential component of academic quality is the evaluation of learning, as a tool to identify areas of opportunity both at the individual student level and at the academic programs. Also of the institution in general. As a reinforcement of the evaluation activities carried out by teachers in their courses, Tecnológico de Monterrey has promoted the use of standardized tests such as the Bachelor´s Degree General Assessment (EGEL in spanish), developed by the National Center for Higher Education Evaluation CSO (CENEVAL in spanish). Simultaneously, the institution has designed integrative evaluations for academic programs that have no external testing, with the purpose of measuring the level of knowledge and skills shown by students at the end of their undergraduate studies. Results obtained from external and internal tests are part of the academic quality indicators with which the performance of the Tecnológico de Monterrey campuses is evaluated each semester.

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Graduates' follow-up

Since 1989, Tecnológico de Monterrey has periodically and systematically measured its graduates´s performance and pathway. Graduate studies contribute to the evaluation and accomplishment of the institutional Mission and support the continuous improvement processes of study plans and academic support services. Additionally, Tecnológico de Monterrey periodically consults the companies that employ its graduates, to find out the perception of the work performance and training of the alumni. These results allow us to identify areas for improvement in the study plans and promote links with the country's productive sector. Graduate Follow-up studies are a key tool to evaluate the academic quality of Tecnológico de Monterrey because they focus on measuring the ultimate impact of educational work: the performance of graduates and their contribution to society.

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Institutional Effectiveness

In order to follow up on the strategies adopted to achieve the Tecnológico de Monterrey's Vission and Mission, the Institution developed a process to ensure the quality of the programs and projects derived from strategic planning. This process allows campuses performance evaluation through academic, financial and operational indicators. Following the precept that what is not measured cannot be improved, Tecnológico de Monterrey, through the process of evaluating institutional effectiveness, has generated the required information over 25 years to operate under the philosophy of improvement. keep going.

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Since its inception, Tec de Monterrey has recognized the importance of accreditations, give the fact that they involve the evaluation by external entities of compliance with high standards of academic quality, both at an international and national level. The fact that the determined commitment to the accreditation processes strengthens the national and international recognition of the Tecnológico de Monterrey t's undisputed.

Find out more >

Inversión Educativa Tec

Inversión Educativa Tec es una alternativa creada por el Tecnológico de Monterrey para quienes desean asegurar la educación de sus hijos por anticipado, mediante la adquisición de certificados de colegiatura a precios actuales, para su uso futuro, en los niveles de preparatoria, profesional o educación continua en el Tecnológico de Monterrey.

Icono 1

Inversión Segura

Es una inversión respaldada por el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Además, son reembolsables, transferibles o vendibles.

Icono 2


Anticipas los gastos de estudio, adquiriendo certificados a precio actual para uso futuro.

Icono 3


Aseguras el futuro educativo de tu hija/hijo.

Icono 4

Adquieren Valor

Conforme aumenta la colegiatura, se incrementa el valor del certificado de colegiatura.

Icono 5


Se puede adquirir por fracciones o periodos completos en el momento que requieras realizar la compra. Se puede realizar cambio de beneficiario o nivel de estudios.

Icono 6


Podrás utilizar los certificados de colegiaturas en cualquier Campus del Tecnólogico de Monterrey.

Monterrey - Residence Hall XI

3D Tour
Find out more about Campus Monterrey´s Residence Hall

2 blocks away from Monterrey Campus
Lic. Antonio Hernández Pizano

Request for residence availability here (in spanish)

Female and male rooms

Our facilities have been designed to create an atmosphere where every moment an experience is lived

  • Double room
Common areas

We have everything you need at your disposal

  • Kitchen
  • Swimming pool
  • Bathroom
  • Laundry
  • Games room
  • Microwave ovens
  • Study rooms


Room features
  • Furnished
  • Closet
  • Sink
  • Mirror
  • Desk
  • No air conditioning
  • Fan

Monterrey - Residencias XI

Recorrido 3D
Conoce a fondo las Residencias de Campus Monterrey del Tec de Monterrey

2 blocks away from Monterrey Campus
Lic. Antonio Hernández Pizano

Request for residence availability here (in spanish)

Habitaciones femeninas y masculinas
  • Cuarto doble
Áreas comunes

Nuestras instalaciones han sido diseñadas para crear una atmósfera en donde cada momento se vive una experiencia

  • Cocina
  • Alberca
  • Baño semi-privado
  • Lavandería
  • Sala de juegos
  • Microondas en área común
  • Salas de estudio
Características de la habitación

Tenemos todo lo que necesitas a tu disposición: 

  • Amueblada
  • Clóset
  • Lavabo
  • Espejo
  • Escritorio
  • Sin aire acondicionado
  • Abanico


Our professors stand out for keeping up-to-date in the development of their disciplines and implementing the most cutting-edge technologies and teaching practices in their classes. To contribute to the success of our Faculty, Tecnológico de Monterrey developed a series of tools available to all its professors to strengthen and guarantee their teaching development.

Please find below more information about the resources available for our teaching community: 




Nuestros profesores destacan por mantenerse actualizados en el desarrollo de sus disciplinas e implementar en sus clases las más vanguardistas tecnologías y prácticas docentes. Para contribuir al éxito de nuestra Facultad, el Tecnológico de Monterrey pone a disposición de todos sus profesores una serie de herramientas para fortalecer y garantizar su desarrollo docente. 

A continuación puedes encontrar más información sobre los recursos disponibles para nuestra comunidad docente:

