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Undergraduate Admissions

Admission Process
By entering your data you will receive information and personalized assistance. We are waiting for you!


If you are interested in starting your admission process, have any questions or want to know our facilities, we welcome you. In addition, we put at your disposal our Contact Hub, where you will have access to our services in-person or online, if you wish or if circumstances require it. Here you will be able to know our campuses and contact us to get information about admission process, academic offer, or scholarships. You can also sign up for sessions to prepare you through your way to Tec or schedule a Campus Tour, among other services. Click the button below to learn more.

We are so excited you want to be a part of our community!


We also invite you to get to know Tec All Access, a platform where you will find videos about Tec content: from current students testimonials to information about careers and academic programs. Get to know it!

Admission process

The aim of our admission process is to get to know you, what you are passionate about and how you can contribute to our student community. Therefore, applicants are required to integrate a file with everything that makes them unique.


How do I begin my admission process?

Begin your admission process to Tecnológico de Monterrey by following 6 simple steps we describe below.

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Is there any kind of scholarship or financial support?

Check the different options for financial support and scholarships that Tecnológico de Monterrey offers you so that you can study with us.

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Exploration area

During the first semesters, you will be exploring a field of study to discern and confirm your inclination for a particular degree. You will acquire the foundations of this area and experience challenges to consolidate your knowledge.

Live Tec

It means leaving your mark on the pitch, stages, in the community and the world, through innumerable experiences that will turn you into someone who might surprise you.

Profesional Admisiones

Regístrate y resuelve tus dudas
Al ingresar tus datos, recibirás asesoría y más información sobre el proceso de admisión


Si quieres saber más sobre nuestras instalaciones o procesos del Tec, contamos con nuestro Contact Hub, en donde podrás conocer nuestros Campus y contactarnos para obtener información de cualquier trámite de admisiones, oferta académica, becas, o bien inscribirte a sesiones informativas, agendar un Campus Tour, entre muchos otros servicios.


También te invitamos a conocer Tec All Access, una plataforma donde encontrarás videos sobre todo el contenido del Tec: desde testimonios de estudiantes actuales a información sobre carreras y programas académicos. ¡Conócelo!

Proceso de admisión

Nuestro proceso de admisión busca saber quién eres, qué te apasiona y de qué manera puedes contribuir a nuestra comunidad estudiantil. Por ello, requerimos a los solicitantes que integren un expediente con todo aquello que los hace únicos.


¿Cómo inicio mi proceso de admisión?

Inicia tu proceso de admisión al Tecnológico de Monterrey siguiendo 6 sencillos pasos que te describimos a continuación.

Conoce máskeyboard_arrow_right


¿Existe algún apoyo educativo o beca?

Consulta las diferentes opciones de apoyos educativos y becas que el Tecnológico de Monterrey te ofrece para que puedas estudiar con nosotros.

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Áreas de exploración

Durante los primeros semestres, estarás en un área de estudio para conocer, discernir y confirmar tu inclinación por una carrera en particular. En cada área adquirirás fundamentos y experimentarás retos para afianzar este conocimiento.

Vivir el Tec

Es desafiarte a ti mismo y dejar huella en canchas, en escenarios, en tu comunidad y en el mundo, mediante un sinfín de experiencias que harán de ti una persona que quizás te sorprenda.


Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine

About the Group

The objective of this group is to isolate, enrich, characterize and differentiate in vitro medicinal stem cells obtained from different biological sources through the use of flexible bioengineering platforms for their application in regenerative medicine as a treatment of neurological, metabolic, traumatological, renal and pulmonary diseases.

Research lines

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Parkinson
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Sciatica
  • Functional disorders of the lower urinary tract
  • Pulmonary fibrosis


Marco Antonio Rito Palomares -

Core researchers

Fabiola Castorena Torres
Mirna Alejandra González González
Raquel Cuevas Díaz Durán
Sean Patrick Scott Sartini


Adjunct researchers

Gerardo Gamba Ayala
Gladys Guadalupe López Avalos
Héctor Ramón Martínez Rodríguez
Irene Martín Del Estal
Julieta Rodríguez de Ita
Margarita Ortiz Martínez
Maria Isabel García Cruz
Martín Mauricio Virgilio Hernández Torre
Richard Coale Willson



Top 5 of publications 2015-2019

- The 100 most-cited articles in spinal oncology
Authors: De La Garza-Ramos, R., Benvenutti-Regato, M., & Caro-Osorio, E.

- Influenza A (H1N1pdm09)-Related Critical Illness and Mortality in Mexico and Canada, 2014
Authors: Dominguez-Cherit, G., De La Torre, A., Rishu, A., Pinto, R., Ñamendys-Silva, S., Camacho-Ortiz, A., Silva-Medina, M., Hernández-Cárdenas, C., Martínez-Franco, M., Quesada-Sánchez, A., López-Gallegos, G., Mosqueda-Gómez, J., Rivera-Martinez, N., Campos-Calderón, F., Rivero-Sigarroa, E., Hernández-Gilsoul, T., Espinosa-Pérez, L., Macías, A., Lue-Martínez, D., Buelna-Cano, C., Ramírez-García Luna, A., Cruz-Ruiz, N., Poblano-Morales, M., Molinar-Ramos, F., Hernandez-Torre, M., León-Gutiérrez, M., Rosaldo-Abundis, O., Baltazar-Torres, J., Stelfox, H., Light, B., Jouvet, P., Reynolds, S., Hall, R., Shindo, N., Daneman, N., & Fowler, R.

- Pharmacological Activation of Thyroid Hormone Receptors Elicits a Functional Conversion of White to Brown Fat
Authors: Lin, J., Martagón, A., Cimini, S., Gonzalez, D., Tinkey, D., Biter, A., Baxter, J., Webb, P., Gustafsson, J., Hartig, S., & Phillips, K.

- The amelioration of hepatic steatosis by thyroid hormone receptor agonists is insufficient to restore insulin sensitivity in ob/ob mice
Authors: Martagón, A., Lin, J., Cimini, S., Webb, P., & Phillips, K.


Bioingeniería y Medicina Regenerativa

Sobre el Grupo

El objetivo general de este grupo es aislar, enriquecer, caracterizar y diferenciar in vitro células madre medicinales obtenidas de distintas fuentes biológicas mediante el uso de plataformas bioingenieriles flexibles para su aplicación en medicina regenerativa como tratamiento de enfermedades neurológicas, metabólicas, traumatológicas, renales y pulmonares.

Líneas de investigación

  • Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica
  • Parkinson
  • Síndrome metabólico
  • Diabetes
  • Ciática
  • Trastornos funcionales del tracto urinario inferior
  • Fibrosis pulmonar


Marco Antonio Rito Palomares -


Fabiola Castorena Torres
Mirna Alejandra González González
Raquel Cuevas Díaz Durán
Sean Patrick Scott Sartini



Demetrio Arcos Camargo
Gerardo Gamba Ayala
Gladys Guadalupe López Avalos
Héctor Ramón Martínez Rodríguez
Irene Martín Del Estal
Julieta Rodríguez de Ita
Margarita Ortiz Martínez
Maria Isabel García Cruz
Martín Mauricio Virgilio Hernández Torre
Richard Coale Willson



Top 5 de publicaciones 2015-2019

- The 100 most-cited articles in spinal oncology
Autores: De La Garza-Ramos, R., Benvenutti-Regato, M., & Caro-Osorio, E.

- Influenza A (H1N1pdm09)-Related Critical Illness and Mortality in Mexico and Canada, 2014
Autores: Dominguez-Cherit, G., De La Torre, A., Rishu, A., Pinto, R., Ñamendys-Silva, S., Camacho-Ortiz, A., Silva-Medina, M., Hernández-Cárdenas, C., Martínez-Franco, M., Quesada-Sánchez, A., López-Gallegos, G., Mosqueda-Gómez, J., Rivera-Martinez, N., Campos-Calderón, F., Rivero-Sigarroa, E., Hernández-Gilsoul, T., Espinosa-Pérez, L., Macías, A., Lue-Martínez, D., Buelna-Cano, C., Ramírez-García Luna, A., Cruz-Ruiz, N., Poblano-Morales, M., Molinar-Ramos, F., Hernandez-Torre, M., León-Gutiérrez, M., Rosaldo-Abundis, O., Baltazar-Torres, J., Stelfox, H., Light, B., Jouvet, P., Reynolds, S., Hall, R., Shindo, N., Daneman, N., & Fowler, R.

- Pharmacological Activation of Thyroid Hormone Receptors Elicits a Functional Conversion of White to Brown Fat
Autores: Lin, J., Martagón, A., Cimini, S., Gonzalez, D., Tinkey, D., Biter, A., Baxter, J., Webb, P., Gustafsson, J., Hartig, S., & Phillips, K.

- The amelioration of hepatic steatosis by thyroid hormone receptor agonists is insufficient to restore insulin sensitivity in ob/ob mice
Autores: Martagón, A., Lin, J., Cimini, S., Webb, P., & Phillips, K.


Special Call | Double Degrees with DHIK

February-December 2024
DHIK-Tec Call

Double Degree with DHIK


The Vice Rectory for International Affairs is pleased to participate in the academic cooperation with German universities of the German University Consortium for International Cooperation DHIK. The partnership makes it possible to offer a Double Degree program where the main purpose is for the student to receive academic training and professional experience abroad.

The TEC-DHIK program gives students the opportunity to have a Double Degree experience, since both the academic (semester at university) and professional (internships in companies) components allow a total immersion in the culture of the host country.

Specific majors for double degree: Bachelor in Global Business (BGB) and B.A. in International Business (LIN).

Deadline: September 1st, 2023.

Download the call HERE >

Convocatoria especial | Doble grado con DHIK

Agosto 2024 - Junio 2025
Convocatoria DHIK-Tec

La Vicerrectoría de Internacionalización se complace en participar de la cooperación académica con universidades alemanas del Consorcio Universitario Alemán para la Cooperación Internacional DHIK. La cooperación permite ofrecer un programa de Doble Titulación en donde la principal finalidad es que la alumna o el alumno reciba formación académica y experiencia profesional en el extranjero.

El programa TEC- DHIK otorga a los estudiantes la oportunidad de tener una experiencia de Doble Titulación, ya que los componentes tanto académicos (semestre en universidad) como profesionales (prácticas en empresas) permiten una inmersión total en la cultura del país anfitrión.

Carreras específicas para doble titulación: IM, IMT, IIS, ITC, IDS, IRS, IE, IID, IQ.

Aplica antes del 08 de marzo de 2024.

Descarga la convocatoria AQUÍ >

DAAD | Academic Experience + Internship

Convocatoria DAAD-Tec

In order to promote labor mobility and cultural exchange and offer an enriching international experience, the Vice Rectory for International Affairs, in conjunction with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), invites Tec de Monterrey undergraduate students to apply to the KOSPIE program.

The program duration is from June 2024 to June 2025 and consists of an intensive German language course during the summer, an academic semester at a German university and a semester of an internship in companies or laboratories in the same country.

The program is open for students in the following majors: INA, ITD, ITC, IMT, IM, IIS, IID, IE, IC, IQ, IDS, IBT, and IAL. The students of IFI, IRS, and IMD majors can participate, however, they must check the availability of subjects to study in the German universities of interest.

See the call HERE >

Apply before September 29th, 2023!


Questions? Please write to Lidia Chong

DAAD | Experiencia académica + Prácticas profesionales

Convocatoria DAAD-Tec

Con la finalidad de fomentar la movilidad laboral e intercambio cultural y ofrecer una experiencia internacional enriquecedora, la Vicerrectora de Internacionalización en conjunto con el Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico DAAD, invita a los alumnos y las alumnas de profesional del Tec de Monterrey, a postularse para participar en el programa KOSPIE.

El programa que tiene una duración de junio 2024 a junio 2025 consta de un curso intensivo de idioma alemán durante el verano, un semestre académico en una universidad en Alemania y un semestre de prácticas profesionales en empresas o laboratorios del mismo país.

Programa abierto para estudiantes de INA, ITD, ITC, IMT, IM, IIS, IID, IE, IC, IQ, IDS, IBT, IAL. Las y los estudiantes de IFI, IRS e IMD pueden participar, sin embargo, deben revisar la disponibilidad de materias por cursar en las universidades alemanas de interés.

Consulta la convocatoria AQUÍ >

¡Aplica antes del 29 de septiembre del 2023!


¿Dudas? Contacta a Lidia Chong


The aim of the scholarship is to support students in a study abroad program, as part of their undergraduate studies, at universities in different parts of the world that have entered into an agreement with Santander Universities. There are course, annual and semester scholarships.

Santander-Yale International Experience Summer Program (Santander – Yale 2019)

This call looks for outstanding students and the beneficiaries are selected by the university. Yale University will select international students to give them the opportunity to attend the university’s facilities for five weeks, studying two out of the more than 100 courses available in this program and enjoying an unforgettable campus life experience.

get_app Call Santander – Yale 2019


Santander- Georgetown University “Summer Workshop-Social Innovation and Financial Inclusion in the Digital Age” (Santander – Georgetown 2019)

This call looks for outstanding students and the beneficiaries are selected by the university. The two-week program takes place at the Georgetown University campus.

get_app 2019 Santander – Georgetown Call for Scholarship Applications


For more information click on:

Frequently Asked Questions

Pacific Alliance

Who can participate in this internship?
National students from Pacific Alliance countries: Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia. Any current undergraduate, technical or technology students can apply, depending on whether their profile matches the vacancy description published by each company.

How long does this internship last?
The company, according to its needs, can receive the intern for as long as it deems necessary, but will be responsible, together with the intern, for completing all the immigration and hiring procedures that this implies, according to each country’s regulations. Therefore, the recommended length of internships is less than 180 days (including the return trip), since this means that participants will not require a visa for unpaid work.

Are internships paid?
The internships are unpaid, but companies can offer a small stipend at their discretion, in compliance with the labor legislation in effect in the internship placement country and including everything such laws require.

Which expenses are covered?
All expenses such as journeys to and from the internship, airfares, living expenses and accommodation are covered by the student.

What benefits do the companies offer?
Each company can independently specify any other benefits it will grant during the internship. The student and the company are responsible for being fully aware of this before the candidate accepts the offer.

Can I participate in an internship if I am not a student?
No, this program is for students only.

Will this internship be valid for my graduation or degree?
Candidates must check with their institution to see if this internship is valid for obtaining a university or technology degree. Candidates must ask their institution whether it will award any form of credit or official certification.

Will I receive any type of acknowledgement for this internship?
Yes, students will receive an “Internship in the Pacific Alliance” certificate awarded by the Pacific Alliance Business Council (PABC). This is NOT university credit.

What should I do if there is an issue with any of the parties involved?
Since the relationship is directly between the company-student-university/institute, they must resolve any issues themselves. The Business Council is not responsible for any issues among the parties.